Hot News Contest 15 | My School Lessons

in Hot News Communitylast year (edited)

Photo by Max Fischer from Pexels: source
Hello everyone, steemians and friends, I hope your are okay. For me, am very good. It's another new engagement challenge in hot news community. And am very delighted to partake in it. I truly love the contest topic, it's a reminder and memory of childhood in school:My School Lessons.

When you were in school, what 2 lessons did you like? tell us why you like it.

Education is never easy, especially the childhood start up in school. Talking about the two lessons I like when I was in school, in subject, I like maths and integrated science. In maths, I liked it because of its simplicity like the time I would use in English to write or spell a word, such as plus having four words counts, I have used it to cross a dash as in + in maths which is simpler and the shortest.

Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels: source
For integrated science, I like it mainly because of the biological and scientific drawings therein. I was actually born an artist so, I developed interest in integrated science because of the art components. Drawing the grasshopper, amoeba, car, solid shapes, humans, trees and animals and many more. Therefore I like this area because of drawing, I used to draw for my teachers anything including traditional marriage, the groom and the bride with amazing background.

And science is also maths related in terms of shortage of long story, my fear then, science has the shortest methodology though many found it technically very difficult especially maths but to me the story is in contrary. And science talks about the immediate environment, the realities that I can touch, feel and see mostly. So these are was why I like integrated science.

Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels: source

Also tell us 1 What lesson did you not like? Tell us why you don't like it.

I don't like literature or a related subjects, I don't like them, because it's more of fictional and too, I don't like subject that is not brief in description. Till today, it's hard before you see me reading novels because I personally don't like story telling subjects and in examples, I usually fail them wofely because explanation is two long and takes long memories.

It took literature as time wasted reading fictional stories, those days, my father would buy me some novels such as 'marrage of the snake to the monkey' and 'money hard to get but easy to spend' and advise me to read them it's story to learn from but I never developed interest in it, because I took them unreal and boring to read compare to sciences, talking about earth rotation, chemical reactions etc, feeding my head with reality and amazement.

Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels: source

Is there 1 teacher in your school that you remember very well? why are you so effective?

Yes I remember one of my teacher, in junior secondary school, called aunty Hellin she was a stammara and if she wants to say to me congratulations!! She would say!! I like her because of the drawing, she was actually teaching native language and inclined in cultural heritage of Africa. And this makes her to give me assignment of drawing, since my fellow students told her how good I was in drawing.

The first work I submitted to her was the Lord's supper of Jesus Christ with the sorrounding 12 apostles. And she was amazed and gave me some money in appreciation. Secondly, was the traditional marriage, the bride and groom and eye magneting background. She is the teacher I know very well and the effectiveness.

Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi from Pexels: source

Are you classified as an outstanding or mediocre student? tell me about it.

Yes I was mediocrity, in those areas of subjects I don't like but was doing excellent in those ones I like the most like sciences and arts. As I grew to senior secondary school level, we used to hold class for junior students for ourselves before exams.

I waxed higher in maths and science subjects especially physics and chemistry, and the teachers were very happy with me and I had a secret with teachers that makes them award me more marks, after copying their note from the black board during school hours, then during exams I will solve and write exclusive unlike some others that likes to cram but to me, understanding helped me a lot, to the amazement of my teachers. So I was outstanding especially in science and art and mediocrity in literature.

Thank you so much beloved friends, I want to invite friends @chant, @ruthjoe, and @josepha to the contest as well.

Thank you.

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