Hot News Contest 20 | "FAQ Steemit"

in Hot News Communitylast year (edited)

Hello everyone I hope you are all ok and enjoy the good life by the grace of Allah Almighty I am here for the participate in the amazing contest which organised by the @fantvwiki in the Hot News Community the name of this contest is FAQ Steemit in this post we discussed all the questions so let's start;


Edit by Canva

How does Steemit differ from other social media sites? Explain in a few paragraphs

Steemit is a social media site that runs on blockchain technology and is built on the Steem blockchain. This means that unlike other social media sites, where the company owns and controls the content and data, in Steemit, users own and control their data through the use of cryptography. Additionally, Steemit rewards users for their contributions in the form of Steem cryptocurrency, which can be traded for other cryptocurrencies or used within the platform to purchase premium content and services.


Picture is taken from Pixabay

Another difference is that Steemit operates a decentralized content voting and curation system, where users can vote on and curate content, and the creators of popular content are rewarded. This is in contrast to traditional social media sites, where the algorithms used to recommend content are proprietary and controlled by the companies themselves.

Finally, Steemit is open-source, meaning that anyone can participate in its development and contribute to its growth. This contrasts with traditional social media sites, which are often proprietary and closed-source, making it difficult for users to have a say in their evolution.


Picture is taken from Pixabay

In summary, Steemit is a decentralized social media site that operates on blockchain technology and rewards users for their contributions. It has a decentralized content voting and curation system and is open-source, providing users with more control over their data and experiences on the platform.

How to get digital tokens on Steemit? Explain in a few paragraphs

Users can earn digital tokens on Steemit in the form of Steem and Steem Dollars To get started, you need to create an account on Steemit. Once your account is set up, you can start earning digital tokens by:

1 Creating Content:

  • You can earn rewards for creating original content such as blog posts, images, videos, and more. The rewards for content depend on the quality and engagement level of your posts.

2 Voting and Commenting:

  • You can also earn rewards by voting on other people's content and leaving comments. Your vote carries more weight when you have more Steem Power, so it's a good idea to invest in building up your Steem Power over time.

3 Curating Content:

  • By discovering and upvoting high-quality content before it becomes popular, you can earn rewards for curating content.

It's important to note that the rewards on Steemit are distributed based on a complex algorithm that takes into account several factors such as the quality of the content, the time it was posted, and the number of votes it has received. The more active you are on the platform, the more opportunities you have to earn rewards.

What is the difference between a curation prize and an author's prize?

A curation prize is a reward given to users who vote on and support quality content on the platform. When a user upvotes a post, the value of their vote is divided between the author of the post and the curators who supported it. Curation rewards are calculated based on the value of the vote, the amount of time that has passed since the post was published, and the level of engagement with the post.


Picture is taken from Pixabay

An Author's prize,on the other hand, is the reward given to the creator of the content. It is based on the value of the post, the amount of engagement it receives, and the overall value of the Steemit platform. The author's prize is calculated from the total rewards pool of the platform and is distributed to authors based on the amount of upvotes their content receives.

What are curation trails? benefit or harm

Curation trails in Steemit refer to a system where users can choose to follow the voting patterns of a specific user or group of users in order to maximize their own curation rewards.

Benefits of curation trail

The benefit of using curation trails is that it can help inexperienced users to discover good content and earn rewards, as well as allowing users to support the content creators they like. Additionally, it can also create a sense of community, as users can join curation trails that align with their interests.

Harms of curation trail

However, curation trails can also have harmful effects on the platform. One of the risks is centralization, as a few highly followed users could end up dominating the rewards, making it difficult for new and smaller users to be noticed and earn rewards. This could also lead to a reduction in the diversity of content being rewarded, as users may only follow curation trails that focus on a particular topic or genre.

Is Anything strictly prohibited on Steemit? Explain some of them

Yes, there are certain activities that are strictly prohibited on Steemit, a blockchain-based social media platform. Some of these activities include:

1 Spamming:

  • Posting excessive and irrelevant comments or posts to clog up the network.

2 Plagiarism:

  • Copying content from other sources and claiming it as your own.

3 Malicious Content:

  • Posting content that is harmful, abusive, or otherwise violates the community guidelines.

4 Phishing:

  • Attempting to steal sensitive information or defraud users by posing as a trustworthy entity.

5 Cheating:

  • Engaging in any form of cheating, such as vote-buying or vote-selling, that undermines the integrity of the platform.

These activities are strictly prohibited on Steemit and can result in account suspension or even termination. The Steemit community is encouraged to report any violations to the Steemit team for review and enforcement.


Steemit is a decentralized social media site that operates on blockchain technology and rewards users for their contributions. It has a decentralized content voting and curation system and is open-source, providing users with more control over their data and experiences on the platform.

I invite the @malikusman1, @steemdoctor1 and @lavanyalakshman and to participate in the contest



Thank you

Achievement 1

written by:@cryptoloover


 last year 

Many people don't know much about this platform. And through this competition, many people will get answers to many questions. You answered the questions very nicely. Thanks a lot for sharing such a nice post. Good luck

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