Tbe Diary Game || Too Much Stress In The Shop Today Due To Excessive Clean Up : 29-04-2024

in Hot News Community2 months ago (edited)

Greetings Community Members!...

Today being the first day of the week I would like to be dropping how it went it wasn't really funny I must tell. Here below is my entry!!!...

My Diary

Rights from the time I stepped my foot at the shop today it was all about being busy settling customers who came earlier before we were able to open up the shop. Even my colleague had to go around in our line area to get some certain drugs for the customer's satisfactory.

Before we were done with attending to the customer, time have already gone so far in what we wanted to do but then, we have no other choice. It was by 9:30 am that i began sweeping the shop and moping also. It wasn't getting funny anymore because the more i try to arrange the surrounding, more people kept on coming. Finally i was done with cleaning the shop for welcoming customers.


It was after eating the junk food i bought that morning and relaxed for like 30 minutes to make my post on steemit, that i got remembered by my colleague to do Clean up on the drugs and aa well check their expiry date.


My colleague went inside the parking store to clean up that side and then for me, I was in the shop doing my own cleanup and actually what i was cleaning up was quite bigger than hers. Doing this work and not taking enough rest in the night is not really that easy to cope with.


At a point, i start getting tired and wretched out, i know it was sleep i needed to have right there but i resisted it to continue my work. There isn't much to share about my day today, it was just all about having headache and pains in my head and resting.

Thank you so much friends for joining me as I share my diary today
 2 months ago 

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