Hot News Contest 5 | My Reading Book

in Hot News Community2 years ago


Personally, I've read a lot of books mainly non-fictional. Although I'm not this book worm type, I'm very much selective. I read prose texts that has village, struggle's in life, kings and legend, ancient myths and artifacts, financial management, educational and science fictional settings...... The titles of the books I've read are

  • Harry Potter
  • Games of thrones
  • Rich dad, poor dad
  • Tears of Joy
  • My regrets
  • On the wings of the killers bird

The one that's my favourite and forever will is Tears of Joy and I recommend this book to the general public. This is the only book I've read that made me emotional and see life on a different angle. These are the details of this book.

TitleAuthorYear of publicationPublisher
Tears of JoySarah Inyang2005Afahaida and Brothers publishing and printing company
General description of the reading and summary of the book

This book has a green cover with a pictorial representation of joy at last. It has 135 pages to be precise. Tears of Joy pictures an orphan named Udo who at an early age of eight was subjected to abscond and servitude from his uncle's dwelling place.

That condition of being an orphan left him with no choice but to live with his uncle who couldn't protect him from the cruelty of his wife. His ordeals in life were exacerbated by the inhumane treatment he received from those in privileged positions.

Udo suffered injustices looking forward to fit into the unjust world not until his first son, Nkereuwem salvaged the deplorable situation of his family. His story changed when his first son Nkereuwem elevated his family line.

His story will alwayas be one at heart. Imagine an eighth year old boy climbing a palm tree to harvest palm fruits. Normally, it's a strong boy or man of 20s up that can be seen doing such work.

Taking risks to feed, sleeping under someone's roof and taking your bath as a grown up man with children looking at your nakedness.

How did it affect you after reading the book

The setting storyline of this book touched my bone marrow. It makes me come to realize that I'm not even suffering and that they are people whose condition are more critical than mine.. There's always light in a dark tunnel so I believe.

The expressed emotions and turmoil made me picture myself in such a situation. If I were Udo? It also impressed on me to be fair with people irrespective of their social standing, class or status. Many today have house servants of which most treat them like puppets.

They subject their house servants to inhumane treatment not minding how better they have served them. Go to the villages and see how many are struggling because they lack opportunity. This book will help you see life in a different way and how we should be nice to people.

Tomorrow is very hard to predict.We shouldn't give up because life tends to be unfair with us. Look for ways to change your situation without giving up while hoping to be redeemed someday. I strongly recommend it because of this.

It's an old literary book which I used 8 years back. The price then was just 8 steems. I don't know of now. Here's a picture of the me and the book.



 2 years ago 
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A book that has a good message to the reader, you have shared interesting information about the book with us. Thank you for participating, success for you.

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