The Diary Game Betterlife | 07-June-2024 | Today I made amsattva with raw mangoes

in Hot News Communitylast month (edited)

Hello, I'm @afrin-mona

Hope everyone is well I am also fine by the grace of God.

Woke up after seven this morning. Because today is Friday, my son doesn't have Madrasah today. My husband will go to the market late today. I woke up and went to the bathroom. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then I put tea. I put the tea and let the chickens eat. Then I took the goat out of the house and tied it in the yard. Meanwhile the tea is done. There is a cow farm nearby. I brought milk from that cow farm. I went there and saw that our ginger plants have sprouted. I brought milk and made tea and ate it. Then I make breakfast. When everyone woke up to make breakfast. Then we all ate breakfast together. After breakfast, I put the dishes away. Maliha urinated at night. I soaked them in clothes. Then I took out the fish from the refrigerator and soaked it for lunch. Meanwhile, it is ten o'clock at night. So I went to the kitchen and cooked the fish Yesterday's dal, vegetables were fried. I kept them warm. Then I got many mangoes from the tree. I selected them and made amsattva with the cracked mangoes. I sat down and went to the roof to dry the paddy. I came down from the roof and let the mangoes dry in the sun. Then I got ready to go to the market. I went to the dentist because of my dental problem. Brought suggestions for root canal there. I came from the market and cleaned the rooms. Meanwhile, I washed many dishes that were unclean.


I fed my daughter some rice. Then I bathed my son. Today I prepared to go to Friday prayer. When they went to pray together, father and son. Then I swept the houses. Then I bathed my daughter and put her to sleep. In the meantime, father and son returned home after praying. I gave them food and took a bath. I saw a dog sitting in the courtyard and panting. I was very impressed to see the dog. So I gave the dog some food. Had a bath and prayed Zohar and had lunch. Then I rested for a while.


In the afternoon I went to our garden. I went there and saw a ripe papaya. I brought the papaya and cut it. Some time we all ate it together. I came to see that my husband's cousins ​​were working in the cucumber garden. Then I came home and took the food and gave it to the fish in the pond. While sweeping the yard before evening, I saw that many kerundas have come out. The incidence of kerunda has increased a lot in the present time. They can be seen walking around the wall. Bhabhi's cow is tied in the road. The cow was sick. The doctor came to see the cow, so we also went there to see it.


After performing Maghrib prayer, I made tea and ate it. After eating and drinking, Araf went to the market with his elder uncle. Araf bought a toy fan from his elder uncle. Bringing it, the two brothers sat down and started playing. Meanwhile I also prepared dinner. When my husband comes from the market, we will eat and drink together.


This was my program for the whole day today.

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