The diary game/30/03/2024New bakery opening🍽

in Hot News Community4 months ago


Hello friends, how are you all? I hope you all will be fine.

When I got up this morning and came to my shop, I saw that a new shop is opening near us.


I asked the details of this item and found out that a new bakery shop is opening near me.So I came to my shop after hearing this and saw that some of my friends were sitting in the shop, so I inquired about their well-being. Keep doing it.After such a long time, a person came from the new shop and this person invited us all that you are proud of the opening of our bakery in the evening because you are our sane, the first right is yours.So we all accepted his invitation and assured him that we will certainly come to your opening in the evening, God willing, and join in the joy of your shop.

Old man's words.


were all talking and after a while a person sat behind us.He told us a story which we listened to with great interest and attention.He said that once upon a time there lived a tigress and her two cubs in a forest.The tigress had recently given birth to cubs and it happened that the tigress died due to some reason.Now the children were very small, so they needed to drink milk. A goat was watching this whole incident.The heart of the goat felt pity and it started feeding the cubs of the lioness.The children started drinking goat's milk and the children started growing slowly. In a few years, the children grew up. They considered the goat as their mother or not.Once a goat was eating grass in the field of the forest. And the two lions were guarding this goat. That goat means that no one should disturb our mother.A hawk was passing over the forest, so he thought about it and went down.He said to the goat that you are not afraid that there are two lions standing next to you, they will eat you.The goat said no, they will not eat me, so the goat asked why. The goat told that when the mother of these lions was killed, I have been feeding them. That is why these lions consider me as their mother. are and always protect me. After hearing this, the eagle left from there.Then once, while passing by the eagle, he saw that the children of mice were drowning in the water, so he thought that I should also do them a favor like a goat.He took the baby rats out of the water and covered them under his wings. When the baby rats were touched, they began to cut off the wings of the thing. After some time, when the eagle tried to fly, it He felt that both of them are not with him, they are separated from him.
He was disappointed after some time and returned to him after some time, then he passed through the same path. He saw this goat. He got down and came to the goat and asked the goat that I too have someone like you. but he did me harm and cut me off.So the goat heard this whole incident and replied to him because the goat was very wise so he said to him before doing favors we should think where we should do favors. be

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After listening to the story.

We had a lot of fun listening to the story and everyone kept laughing a lot. At the eagle's bad luck. Then the old man recited a poem to us.
In the quiet whispers of a gentle breeze,
Kindness blooms beneath the trees.
A smile, a touch, a word so true,
Brings light to hearts, old and new.

In acts unseen, yet felt so deep,
Kindness dances, never to sleep.
It holds the power to heal and mend,
A beacon of hope, a hand to extend.

In every soul, a seed it sows,
In every heart, its presence glows.
For kindness knows no bounds or ends,
It's the thread that binds, the bridge that mends.

So let us nurture this gift divine,
And let its radiance brightly shine.
For in the tapestry of life, it's our guide,
A timeless virtue, by which we abide

After saying these words, the person left from there, we all got busy with our work.

Then I brought vegetables to the house for dinner.

On the invitation of the opening of the bakery.


The opening of the bakery was scheduled at the time of Iftar.
So all of us friends went to the opening together and when we went there we saw that there were many chairs and guests were coming.
He named the bakery after a famous brand called Cakes and Bakes.When we reached there, we were welcomed by the owner of the bakery and seated on chairs.Because the time for Iftar was very short, they started serving the food after seating us on the tables.They had cooked chicken curry for the meal, but with it some special items from the bakery were also included.
After breaking the fast together, we all took pictures of ourselves standing by the mirrors inside the bakery to enjoy the beautiful view so that we could have a souvenir.

And together we tested the sweets kept inside these glasses one by one. The sweets were very delicious and wonderful. Along with that we thanked them for including them in our happiness. After paying, we all went to our respective homes.
I bought a kilogram of sweets from there before going home. I was their first customer.
When I took the sweet home, when the family members ate it, they praised the sweet and said that it is wonderful.
This is how my whole day passed.

In the meadow's hush, whispers of dawn arise,
Beneath the silver moon, where dreams softly sigh.
In nature's embrace, beauty dances with grace,
And love's tender glow paints the night's embrace.

Where rivers sing of journeys yet untold,
And stars above in constellations bold.
Each word a petal in the garden of the mind,
A symphony of verses, forever intertwined.

The End

Best: Regards:🤗


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