Budget outdoor recreation: fishing and mushroom hunting

in Steem-Travelers2 years ago


I believe that the best vacation is a trip to nature. This type of tourism does not require significant investment. In our time, this is very important. I prefer to go fishing and go for walks in the woods. In particular, I love picking mushrooms. Now, I will just talk about this topic.

Fishing in Odessa region


I don't go fishing. In the region as a whole, and in the Kotovsky district in particular, there are many reservoirs. You can go hunting for different types of fish. We have: crucian carp, carp, perch, pike, catfish, silver carp, tench, rudd, silver bream, bream, pike perch, goby and so on. If you wish, you can go to catch crayfish. There are quite a lot of them in clean water bodies.


Last summer I was on different reservoirs. For example, in s. Braids actively pecked at white bream and rudd. In with. Honorata - scavenger and tench. In with. Alexandrovka - crucian carp and rudd. On the territory of the Sugar Plant microdistrict - crucian carp. On the Dniester - silver bream, crucian carp, rudd, carp. There are a lot of reservoirs where you can catch a goby. Including the Black Sea.

Hiking mushrooms


There are many forests in our region. Here grow: milk mushroom, rowing, hare mushroom, butterdish, common liverwort, several types of russula, Polish mushroom, pig, honey agaric, champignon and so on. Basically, I prefer to go for Polish mushrooms, milk mushrooms, pigs, honey mushrooms, russula, liverwort, champignons and boletus. In addition, we have morels and hangers. By the way, in about a week I'm going to go for morels. This is the very first mushroom that appears after winter.


Quite often I go for poddubniks, rows and rabbit mushrooms. The latter, in taste, is very similar to butterdish. If I want to collect sourdough in a barrel, then I go for milk mushrooms. They need to be properly prepared. The fact is that this mushroom is bitter. We call him bitter.


Let me draw your attention to the fact that I bought a house in the Kotovsky district. Not far from me there is a forest belt and a forest. I have already been told that there are a lot of mushrooms. Summer will show what mushrooms there are. I'll go myself and show you.


So, I'll try to summarize. I like to relax in nature. I love fishing and mushroom hunting. The photos were taken by me last year. Unfortunately, it is still impossible to make fresh ones, since fishing is still weak, and there are no mushrooms yet. Peaceful skies to all!


Created as part of a travel contest by Steem-Travelers. I invite: @olya-vichenka, @oksana0407 and @jurgan.

 2 years ago (edited)

We appreciate the valuable information you have shared in this post. Keep sharing high quality posts on Steem-travelers.

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 2 years ago 

He is out of club5050!

I join from this post. I don't mention it in the title. Tags only

Ой, як рибки хочеться...)))

Приезжайте в гости, наловим, наедимся =)

То рибалка, тепер ось гриби. Шо ти робиш оце га!? Так хочу теж в на рибалку і на гриби... А не можна, там де є посадки і річки то все небезпека

Кстати, странный приказ. Есть масса населенных пунктов, куда можно добраться только проходя мимо посадки (лесополосы) или через поле. Получается, что людям, которые живут в таких местах, нужно сидеть дома и даже на огород не выходить.

Ну смотря какая местность, если поля и посадки то да. По асфальту норм

В Украине в селах и перед ними далеко не всегда есть асфальт. Иногда бывает так, что от такового остается только воспоминание.


Знаю от по таким дорогам і заборона бігати доки війна. Ну у нас так, у вас не знаю. Мвн багато

Я понимаю, что запрещено, а как людям домой добраться? Другой дроги к селу нету. Это к примеру. Есть у нас такие дороги.

В нас всі села з дорогами асфальт. Але ж є такі тропіки, щоб скоротити дорогу, от так і добираються. Один вже скоротив, поїхав і підірвався. У нас на роботі(. То ж просять їздити належними дорогами

Нажаль, Зелений не встиг зробити 100% доріг України

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