#club5050 || MY FAVOURITE SEASON || 10PC to @hive-111923

in Steem-Travelers3 years ago




Welcome everyone to my blog. Today, I will be writing about my favorite season. As we all know, we have different seasons of the year and there are some we like most.
Follow through the post to see my favorites season and why I choose that particular season to be my favorite.


My favorite season (dry season)

Here in Nigeria we have two seasons. The rainy season and dry season. The dry season here in Nigeria happened to be most pleasant. It usually starts from November to March. During the dry season, the sky in the morning is often covered with haze of fog.
And when you move over to the northern part of Nigeria during the dry season the climate there becomes more dry and in the centre of the country, the day are sunnier while the night are colder especially in Jos.
Jos is the capital of plateau state in the northern part of Nigeria.

The harmattan season is part of the dry season and is usually begins from December to February. During these period, harmattan wind blows in the country, especially the northern part of Nigeria.

The rainy season in Nigeria last for 7 months starting from April to October. The place that usually has the highest amount of rainfall is a Cross River State of Nigeria where the rain sometimes fall until December.

In the eastern part of the country,.we usually have a small "dry break" in the second week of August. This dry break is popularly known as "August break" here in Nigeria. The dry break used to Last for two weeks. After the August break heavy rain begins to fall to October and the rainy season usually stop at the end of November beginning the dry season in December.


Why I like dry season

The following are reasons why I choose dry season to be my favourite season.

  • Season for many delicious fruit
  • Clean environment
  • No erosion
  • Spending time outside
  • Drying of clothes after Laundry
  • Season for celebration
  • No flood


Season for many delicious fruit


Dry season comes with a lot of delicious fruits which we enjoy over here in Nigeria.
Some of these fruits are mango, oranges star apple, star fruits, pineapple, cashew exactra.

Clean environment

Dry season is the best time to visit Nigeria because the landscape are not affected by bad weather and there are no litter that was carried around by flood. Everywhere is always clean and tidy.

No erosion


Erosion is a very serious problem in Nigeria especially the southern part of the country. Roads are always destroyed during raining season as a result of erosion. And during dry season all those roads will be reconstructed.

Spending time outside

Dry season always make us spend a lot of time outside with friends and relatives. During this season, we often visit places of interest like the beach, sitout and packs.
During the rainy season we usually get stuck at home.

Drying of clothes after Laundry


When clothes are washed during the dry season, they will get dry in an hour while during the rainy season you have to dry clothes for days before it get dry. Once rain start, the clothes are removed and take it back the next day. We usually suffer a lot to dry clothes especially the thick clothes during the rainy season which we don't have such problem during dry season.

Season for celebration


Here in Nigeria we like outdoor celebration a lot. We prefer to hold a celebration even wedding reception in an open field. We get the best out of celebration when it is done in an open-air with enough fresh air.
Dry season gives us the opportunity to get the best out of our celebration.
And when the rainy season starts the rain often spoil the occasion.

No flood

Flood is a serious issue here in Nigeria. People who live around the river niger and river benue spend a lot of time each year praying for the rainy season to show Mercy on them. Many lives, houses and properties are always lost each year because of flood.
Thousands of vehicle are always spoil because of flood and so on.



Wow! That the end of my write up. With those view point of mine you can see why I like dry season and choose it to be my favorite season. Though dry season has it own disadvantages, things get better during dry season here in my country.

Thank you so much for reading to the end.
See you in my next article.
Be blessed and stay safe!

Written by @udyliciouz


 3 years ago (edited)

Hola, al igual que mi país se dan dos, invierno y verano. Me gustan mucho las dos porque tienen sus ventajas.

A veces deseamos que llueva para que se puedan dar las cosechas. El verano pega muy fuerte por el sol y hay que protegerse mucho la piel, y es ideal para ir a la playa.

#travelers say

Épale amigo que bien que te gusta la temporada seca. Es más conveniente ya que la lluvia puede impedir muchas cosas que se pueden hacer en verano. Días de playa, salir con los amigos y familiares, actividades al aire libre y muchas otras que si llueve no se pueden realizar.
Exito y bendiciones.

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