Photo contest || My story: My Grandmother changed me. By @luckydrums || 15% to @ hive-111293 || club5050

in Steem-Travelers3 years ago (edited)


I would never forget how my grandmother changed me

This is my grandma , she is now very old and weak ,my parents say she is now 110 years old but I think 100 is close to the truth. We have always been buddies right from when I was a kid, I remember how we would argue like friends and thereafter go make food for the family together, she always understood my plight and she would never judge me.

Although she had always been my buddy and I had always loved her but my love for her grew even stronger after an incident many years ago.

It happened when I was still in secondary school, I was stubborn and naughty, I would never listen , I always wanted to try out things, especially the ones I was warned against. My dad was strict and always dealt with me whenever I misbehaved, I would always run to the village where my grandma lived whenever I did something bad and was afraid of what my dad would do to me, my grandma's house was close to my school.

At some point everyone but my grandma got fed up, they all got tired of me and they had all concluded that I could never change and that I would definitely amount to nothing.

I remember many years ago when I was supposed to write my high school final exams, I was attending a boarding school and we had just resumed. The day I was set to go back to school my dad gave me some money, it was for my school fees, books and also to register for the exams. I took the money but before I left the house, my dad instructed emphatically that I go immediately to school, he said I should go directly to school and not stop by at any place. He knew how playful, mischievous and naughty I could be, so he emphasized that I go to school directly.

I took the money and left the house, I knew that my dad was afraid that I might lose the money so I put it in a book and then inside my bag, since I was sure the money was safe , I said to myself "there's no need to go directly to school, I'll go with the other boys in the evening, for now let me hangout with my friends". I first went to a friend's place , it was close to my school, we all went out to a gaming house and we played video games together, I even met one of my father's colleague from work there, he had brought his child to play video games too.

I really had a nice time with my friends, so nice that I didn't even realize that the sun was setting, immediately I realized that it was evening already, I began hurrying to school, I was quite sure that I wasn't going to make it to school on time so I had to follow a shortcut so I could get to school before the time for new arrivals would end. Few blocks from the school compound, a group of boys blocked me, I was scared and tried to run but I couldn't, They asked
me the contents of my bag but I didn't utter a word . They bullied me, upturned the bag and my money and books fell out, they took the money. I begged them to return it but they beat me and chased me away.
I couldn't go to school cause I knew I wouldn't be admitted without my fee, I couldn't go back home either because I was in fear of my dad's wrath and he wouldn't believe me if I told him I was robbed, he would say I had squandered the money in the game house . My only option was to go to my grandma's house. I wept all the way. When I arrived, and she saw my mood, she knew all wasn't well and so didn't sing or exclaim as she usually does whenever I came visiting.

In between sobs, I narrated everything that happened. She wasn't angry with me. She was just sad. She comforted me and fed me. A short while later, she went into her room, stretched something towards me. I took it...Money!
When I counted it, it was the exact amount I had lost and some change. I leapt and jumped on her in excitement and she began to laugh. I asked her where she had gotten the money from, she said it was all her savings, it was from the sales of her annual farm produce and she had been them for years now. I immediately felt guilty for ripping her of her little income but still glad that I could go back to school. She never even mentioned that incident to my father.

That kind gesture changed my life. I knew I had to behave better and succeed so I can repay her and take good care of her, from that day going forward, I turned a new leaf and became a better child.
The love I have for her has since grown tremendously, I will never forget that incident.

I am inviting my friends @zekea , @amaka06, @sokabomb and @vokey to share their stories too

Special thanks to you all.

 3 years ago 

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A wonderful story that made me smile and cry. Your grandma is pure gold. Sending love to her!

 3 years ago (edited)

Grand parents are always having positive influence on their grand children. You grandmother knew that being hard was not the only wayti Hope your parents know how great she contributed to your becoming a changed person.
Most children experience the same situation at school


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