VII Traditional Food Weekly Challenge : Grill


A traditional dish in Venezuela and that I particularly love is the grill or barbecue, this culinary dish is very simple to make here in Venezuela we only use red or white meat, salt, some herbs to season and grill, in Venezuela the traditional grill is composed of beef meat, pork, and chicken, of course there are the derivatives of these meats, such as chorizo, blood sausage, and chinchurria, pork, and chicken, of course there are the derivatives of these meats, such as chorizo, blood sausage, and chinchurria, plus its contours that can be cassava, salad, fried or roasted arepitas, and sauces such as barbecue sauce, garlic sauce and the famous guasacaca and cassava, cassava is made of cassava flour and can be eaten alone or with almost any food, preferably go hand in hand with the grill or a soup.

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Almost in many celebrations the grill can not miss either from a birthday or whatever is being celebrated, although it is not necessary to make an important celebration to grill meat, just the fact of eating grilled meat is enough and of course, as in any part of Venezuela they grill from the countryside to the beach, here in Venezuela there is not a single person who does not like the grill and if there is a person who does not like it, he or she is a vegetarian. Or something that is always present in the grill is the drink and a very important drink to taste with the grill is the beer so the flavor is on another level.


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