Visit to the Museum of Fine Arts 🎨// Caravas // by // Steem-Travelers

in Steem-Travelers2 years ago



Visit to the Museum of Fine Arts


Buen día, apreciados amigos de la comunidad Sttem-Travelers, hoy les quisiera comentar de mi visita al Museo de Bellas Artes ubicado en Caracas Venezuela, el cual fue fundado en octubre de 1918. El Museo de Bellas Artes de Caracas es el museo de artes plásticas más antiguo y uno de los más importantes del país. Se encuentra ubicado en la Plaza de los Museos entre el Parque Los Caobos y en el sector conocido como Bellas Artes.


Good morning, dear friends of the Sttem-Travelers community, today I would like to tell you about my visit to the Museum of Fine Arts located in Caracas Venezuela, which was founded in October 1918. The Museum of Fine Arts of Caracas is the museum of fine arts oldest and one of the most important plastic factories in the country. It is located in the Plaza de los Museos between Parque Los Caobos and in the sector known as Bellas Artes.

Actually, this day I was doing an activity very close to the museum and I decided to go around to take some pictures, this museum is very important and is a source of cultural and historical reference. It has very nice spaces and a beautiful central patio called "Central Patio of the Neoclassical Complex", it is a nice place to come for a walk with the children and to be able to show them a bit of our history.


This structure that is behind me, is a sculpture called "The City", it is made of iron and painted steel, and looks like a set of mountains as if it were Caracas in the shadow of the Ávila, its author is an American artist Alexander Calder (1898-1976).


In the internal part, a sculpture in the form of columns which goes from the floor to the ceiling and is penetrable, like a kind of labyrinth called "Coral Tree" is installed in a public transit space.

La Tempestad" by Lorenzo González (1914), is an old woman with a girl, who are out in the open facing a storm. It is located at the entrance of the Mudeo as if it were a custodian, here I took a picture with this work of impressive realism.


I am impressed to know that these lines were made by people who were here before the arrival of the Spaniards, that is, before the conquest, it is a small trace of the beliefs of our ancestors.




Aquí se pueden ver como unas personas bailando.

here you can see how some people are dancing


Well, actually, a walk through the Museum's gardens is quite relaxing. If you live in Venezuela, these spaces are ideal for walking for a while. There should be a policy of cultural promotion towards these spaces. I hope you can meet them in person. greetings and thanks.


 2 years ago 

Thank Keep sharing high quality posts on Steem-travelers.

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