Steem Travelers || Lifestyle - Visiting to “Neulop – Lhok Kulam” Dam Tourism Destinations [Aceh province, Indonesia]

in Steem-Travelers2 years ago

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Hello everyone, how are you all today? May we all always be in good health and given ease in various activities and routines. Well friends Steem-Travelers, some time ago my friends and I visited one of the tourist destinations in the province of Aceh, Indonesia. So, I will publish this #steemexclusive content to friends in the Steem-Travelers community and also to Steemit users around the world.

Around 12:00 WIB, my special friend and I toured Bireuen district and its surroundings. The area is not too far from where I live, so we wanted to go on a vacation to visit one of the tourist destinations. I was just contacted by him through a WhatsApp call by him in the morning, then in the afternoon he immediately picked him up at home and asked my parents for permission.


We both left the house and we went by motorbike, but there was our friend waiting for us with his partner. They were waiting for us in the Jeunieb area, Bireuen Regency and we had planned to visit the tourist destination of the Jeunieb "Neulop - Lhok Kulam" Dam, Birueun Regency. When we got there, my special friend and I parked the motorbike and the four of us left using my friend's private car. This tourist destination area is located in the Jeunieb area, Birueun Regency, Aceh province, Indonesia.

Exactly at 14.00 we arrived at our destination, we spent 1 hour 30 minutes traveling to the Jeunieb area, Birueun district from Lhokseumawe city. Arriving there, we immediately exchanged vehicles using a car, then headed to the tourist destination of the “Neulop – Lhok Kulam” Dam, which is a local tourist destination that is the pride of the people of Bireuen Regency and its surroundings. It only took us 15 minutes to get to this local tourist location, because this location is only 4 KM from the main road” Jalan Lintas Banda Aceh – Medan.


At the location of this tourist destination, the air is very cool because it is right near the slopes of the mountains, so many visitors relax and travel there. In addition, the procurement of this tourist destination center is also able to boost the economic turnover of the surrounding community, because they can manage small and medium businesses to entertain visitors. There were erected several unique small huts, then decorated with colorful umbrellas that were decorated in such a way. So that it becomes a favorite place for local tourists and becomes an attraction for visitors by providing some interesting photo spots.


There is a large dam that is used for irrigation, the dam is also a link between two villages, namely Neulop Village and Lhok Kulam which are two villages in Jeunieb District, Bireuen Regency. So, the villages of Neulop and Lhok Kulam took advantage of this dam to store water, which was then channeled into the rice fields of several villages along the irrigation canal connected to the reservoir. The “Neulop – Lhok Kulam” dam also has quite a beautiful view because it is surrounded by views of mountain slopes and a large reservoir, so that it becomes an initiative for local residents to cultivate and make it a local tourist destination.


We have paid for a car park ticket for IDR. 5,000 only, there are not facilitated with knick-knacks like in some other tourist locations. However, the object of the scenery is very beautiful and so natural, the natural beauty that is still beautiful is able to spoil the eyes of every visitor. There are only former swamps or reservoirs as irrigation centers, but there is a large dam made to connect two adjoining villages. So that the manager of the "Neulop - Lhok Kulam" Dam location takes advantage of the scenery and natural beauty to attract the attention of visitors. I think, this is really natural and very nice to be able to visit there.


The location of this tourist destination is very suitable for traveling and is very good as a spot for taking pictures, such as pre-wedding photo activities, selfie photos, grufie photos, model photos and so on. Every best portrait we take can capture the moment on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram story posts and can also be published as content on Steemit media. For fellow Travelers who like to take pictures, let's visit there, try to take a photo moment at the location of the "Neulop - Lhok Kulam" Dam tourist destination, you will get beautiful and beautiful scenery objects. Thanks all of you, Assalamu'alaikum..

Best Regards,
Fitri Afifa - Indonesia
Wish you to be the best

 2 years ago (edited)

Hi friend.

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El usuario fitriafifa realizó (en 1 mes/es):


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Thanks bro! I just did a power up and maintain consistency on #club5050.



Thank you for your advice and information bro. Steem On! #travelers-say Best Regards @fitriafifa - Indonesia.

 2 years ago 

Asyiknya jalan-jalan ke Lhok kulam dek😁😍

Hhhe iya kak😁 suasana disana juga membuat kita terasa tenang.

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