Contest: STUDY RELATED TRIP=HOW I SPENT THREE YEARS IN NURSING SCHOOL presented by @beautybb 10% payout to @hive-111293 11-1-22

in Steem-Travelers3 years ago

10% payout to @hive-111293

Hello @steem-Travelers am once again excited to write in your wonderful community.

Nurse @Beautybb

My Nursing Study Trip

Am so happy to be a Nurse, during my years of study it was not easy because I always travel from my village to a town in my state.

There were two factors that made my study trip a difficult one.

  • My parents financial status was low to meetup to the needed finance that will be taking me to school and bring me back.
    Some days I will not go to school before, there was no transportation money.

  • Another factor that made my study trip difficult was the distance from my home town.

Me and my friends during my year one.

My studies took me 3yrs from the year 2007-2010, and the distance from my house to Aba Abia State was 15km so it was a long trip and a stressful one.
I leave our house by 6:30am and get to the school by 9:am, and after lectures I will go back to my village.

It was so stressful that I always fall sick because of the stress.

My Year Two

During my year two and final year, my trip to school wasn't much stressful and expensive because I have made friends who were transport drivers that always assists me to school and sometimes brings me back.

My Final Year

When it was time for me to graduate, honestly I was so excited that finally I will graduate to be a qualified Nurse.

During my graduation day, only my mother and my younger brother was able to come for yhw party, because of the distance and our financial status then.


Honestly, I really thank God, because if I look back to the year 2007-2010 , Then I never knew that I will be the kind of person I am today.
Little thing I would been a drop out , but I succeeded despite everything.

This is my study trip.

Thank you @steem-Traveler.

special mentioned


 3 years ago 

We appreciate the valuable information you have shared in this post. Keep sharing high quality posts on Steem-travelers.

Verified userYES

This is interesting, i like nurses. Your journey is an interesting one

 3 years ago 

Congratulations on your strong, you are very brave and your history is inspirational! :D/

Thank you, i really appreciate you stopping by my page.

 3 years ago 

Always, Congratulations!! :)

Thank you @willeusz I appreciate so much

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