Travel contest 5th edition - The girls I saw in Moscow

in Steem-Travelers3 years ago (edited)

Hello, my friends on Steem

This is my answer to the task of the Travel contest 5th edition by @hive-111293 (Steem-Traveler).

10% of the publication rewards from this post go to the development of the @hive-111293 (Steem-Traveler).

The year 2020 was very difficult not only in terms of travel, but also in terms of work and health. I think all readers understand what I want to say.
Until 2020, I usually visited Moscow 1 time in 2 or 3 months. Last year I was in the capital of our country only in January. This year I planned a trip for the end of September, but for a number of reasons the trip had to be canceled. And now I don't know when I'll be there yet.
During each trip I visit my daughter. My daughter and her husband organize joint walks through the streets of Moscow, sometimes we visit exhibitions, museums and other interesting places. I am very grateful to them for this.

Девчонки на Красной Площади фокус.JPG
At the beginning of the summer of 2019, we walked around Red Square. It was interesting to watch people. A lot of young girls took selfies sitting or lying right on the paving stones.
This girl noticed that I was photographing her, but it made her feel very funny and she and her friend laughed a lot.

This girl was passionate about hunting and did not notice anything around her.

I will not show all the sights of Red Square within this context. You can see a lot of them on other Internet resources. Maybe I'll show my view on them in the next contests.

And this is Zaryadye Park. The girls here completely relaxed and decided that they were lying on the beach. People were waiting for the concert to start in an open area, but it wasn't part of our plans. We walked through this park and went to a cafe to have dinner.
By the way, this park was made relatively recently. And it is still being improved. I recommend visiting this place if, friends, you will be in Moscow.

During an autumn walk on Red Square, we got to the fair. It was quite interesting to look at the offered product from the outside. But all this was sold at quite high prices. It's a Fair on Red Square. This means that prices are almost 2 times higher than usual. Everything is designed for tourists. This is a common thing all over the world: tourists are money thick wallets.

From the Square we went for a walk on the territory of the Kremlin itself. I was there with my daughter when she was still little. It was in 2007. She hasn't been there since. And her husband, in general, has never been there.
So they looked at everything around them with interest. Of course, I was also interested in all this again.

This is the Tsar Bell, which has never rung.

This is the Tsar Cannon that has never fired.

Friends, you probably guessed who it is? Yes, they are - my companions in a walk not only in the Kremlin, but also in Moscow and its environs. And also in other places of our country. My daughter and her husband love to travel a lot. These are just the people I often see on my travels.

This is the end of my little virtual journey.
I hope this will not be my last trip with you. We'll see you again.

Thanks for attention.

I wish you all good luck!

And I will be glad to have your attention to my posts again.



Часто навещаете Москву! Если бы моя дочка там жила - я тоже, наверное, туда ездила!))) Прекрасные фотографии!!! И удачи в конкурсе, @apnigrich!

 3 years ago 

так в том и дело, что cкоро как 2 года там не бывал. в прошлом году они у нас 3 месяца жила... пандемия.

А как же работа?

 3 years ago 

Так они удаленно работали. Компуки с собой - работы значит под рукой.
Они и сейчас дома работают. Пандемия изменила восприятие работы со стороны руководства. Руководители поняли, что можно экономить на офисных площадях, а люди могут работать дома.

Да, так жить можно!)))

 3 years ago (edited)

My daughter and her husband organize joint walks through the streets of Moscow, sometimes we visit exhibitions, museums and other interesting places. I am very grateful to them for this.


In the future we want to do something similar for the Steem-travelers community.

This post is plagiarism- free

 3 years ago 

:) :) Very glad to see your comment

So cool that you can travel with your daughter and her husband sometimes. It's a great privilege. I'm looking forward to meet with my family after two years of staying 10 000 km from them and gosh, I'd give a lot to speed up the time and finally spend some quality time with them, but COVID...

Wonderful post. And yes, please - write someday about the Red Square. I can imagine it will be very interesting, especially if written by you.

 3 years ago 

10k km is not very close. But if we take into account the means of transportation in the form of an airplane, everything becomes dramatically closer.

The length of the territory of Russia from north to south exceeds 4000 km, from west to east it is approaching 10,000 km.

True. 12 hours of flight and I'm at home. The problem is the same like always: 💸💵

The size of Russia works on my imagination. It's amazing to travel by train for a month and yet still be at the same country - stunning!

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