Club5050 / Visit Khewra Salt mines & Kallar Kahar Pakistan || 10%beneficiary rewards to hive-111293 || by @alirazaop

in Steem-Travelers3 years ago

Greetings to all

Khewra Salt Mines Pakistan

I hope you are all fine and enjoying your lives as well. I'm also fine with the blessings of Allah almighty. Today I'm sharing my visit to Khewra Salt mines and Kallar Kahar Lake. I hope you will like my post.

let's start..

Last days me and my college friends plan for outing. We were thinking about different places. But, the end we are all satisfied to visit the Khewra Salt mines and Kallar Kahar Lake. We plan for outing. We were very excited to see the Salt mines. Because, the Khewra salt mine is the most popular Salt mines of the world. The second largest mines of the world.
So, We arranged a van for visit the Khewra salt mine and Kallar Kahar Lake.

Before starting journey in the Van

Here me and my college friends. We start journey to go the Salt mines and Kallar Kahar Lake. Everyone was excited. Because, it was the first visit to Khewra salt mine and Kallar Kahar Lake. We are all very happy. So, we prayers to Allah for the Best journey and start our journey. The journey was near about 350KM. So, We start our journey Soon. Because, our planned for 1 one day trip. So, we start journey and we were on the route to Khewra salt mine.

Motorway M2


We were on the Motorway M2. Here we took a rest stop. Because we feel hungry. We took a break for eat something. Because, our journey was too long we were little tired. So, we stop and take a rest. We also eat something.



On a restaurant Motorway M2

Here we done breakfast and Start our journey again. I thing which i noted that, the restaurant was the costly then the city restaurants. Because, it was very out from the city. Maybe it was costly for this. So, we done breakfast and Start journey again.

In Khewra Salt Mines City


This was the entire in the city of Salt Khewra. The mountain of Khewra Salt mines were appears. I captured it. Because, they were looking very attractive. So, i was very excited to see the mountains of Khewra salt mine.

Khewra Salt Mines Mountains

At least we reached in Khewra Salt Mines City. Here we come out from Van. We took a group photo. This picture is in front of Khewra Salt Mines Mountains. It was very attractive scene. I never forget that moment. That was my first visit of mountains. I saw the mountains first time. Now we need to buy the tickets for entry in the salt mines.

Ticket Counter Khewra Salt Mines

I was waiting for tickets. My friends were buying tickets for entry in Khewra salt mine. But, i didn't know about this picture.😂 I was talking with my other friend. And one friend click this picture. So, that my reaction is not good in this picture.

Entryway Khewra Salt Mines


Here we bought tickets for entry in Khewra salt mine. We were on the entry gate of salt mine. So, we took a group photo on the entry gate of salt mine. It is also memorable picture. We never forget that moment. WE are all very excited to enter the Khewra salt mine.

In Khewra Salt Mines

I was in the Khewra Salt Mines. There was very cool. The walls of the Salt Mines were very different than others Walls. The walls were not build. The walls were cut by the cutter. And the walls makes with slat. It was very attractive and amazing scene. I really like the walls .

Help Counter Khewra salt mine



In my back there was help Counter. Here the Staff of Salt Mines was available for help the people. If someone needs to help. Then they contact on this Counter. They were looking for help. That is very useful counter. Also you can see in my back the counter was made with salt. Yes, in the Counter the little lights were used. But, it was makes with the salt. In the Salt Mines we click pictures. Also we took a group photo in the Salt Mines. There was very awesome and amazing scene.

Here our salt mine visit was ended. Now we need to go Kallar Kahar Lake. So, we start journey again. We were all set in the Van again.

Entry gate Kallar Kahar Lake


Here we were going to Kallar Kahar Lake. After few hours journey we reached at the entry gate of Kallar Kahar Lake. Everyone was very excited. I was also. Because, that was my first visit to Kallar Kahar Lake. We enter the Kallar Kahar Lake main gate. And entered the Kallar Kahar Lake Valley.


Swake Lake Kallar Kahar.

At least we reached at Kallar Kahar Lake. I captured my picture on the Kallar Kahar Lake. Because, i like very much. I saw the lake in first time. There was the weather of lake very cool. I take many pictures on this Lake. Now we decide to do boating in the lake. Because, This is the most important thing of lake. With boating our lake visit was half.

Ready for Boating.

This was the time to boating. I was doing this The first time in my life. I was very excited to do boating. Here the lake management decided us in the groups. Because, we are all not do boating at a time. So, this was our boating group. The management give us the safety jackets. If any bad incident came. Then the safety jackets help us to swimming. Because, the jackets were waterproof.

Enjoying boating.

Here we were in the boat and enjoying our boating. That was my first time in boating. I was little scared. Because, the lake was very deep. But, i was happy to see the lake and weather. I was happy because i wears the safety jacket. Our excitement you can see in the picture. Everyone was enjoying this boating scene. After boating we planned for climb up on the mountains. That was adventure and also dangerous. But, we was very excited to climb up on the mountains.

On mountains of Kallar Kahhar

After a hard journey. We were climbed up on the mountains. Because, it was very dangerous. There our little mistake make us deaths. So, we climbed up carefully. Because there was no chance to make any mistake. If once we slippers from the mountains then we death. So, that was very dangerous. In the picture you can see the lake is in back. The mountain was high. But we done it..


Here i changed cap with my friend. 😅 Because, red cap was in al pictures. So, i think to change it. So, i captured picture on the mountain. We were on the mountain and Sun was sitting. We need to go back. So, we went back from mountains. We came back carefully as we climbed. Because, little mistake make us deaths. So, that was time to came back to home. So, we start journey to back home. We were in January to home. The sun was set. The night coming. The journey was long near about 350Km. That's means we required a long time to reach at home.

Coming back to home

That was time back to home. Everyone was little sad. Because, there we were doing very fun. Also we are all enjoying music in the Van. Everyone was singing with music. That was a moment. Which we never forget. Because, that was our life best journey.

All sleeping 😴

The journey was long. So, everyone was tired. Then they all sleeping in the Van. But, i don't sleep in the Van. Because, i never sleep in journey. So, i was enjoying my music. After few hours we reached at home.


I hope you will like my journey.
Remember me in your prayers.


Community account@hive-111293


My #club5050


Thanks for visiting my post.




 3 years ago (edited)

Excellent post, nice photos, very well done. I really like your trip to the mines, Thank you for sharing with the community! :)

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Sir I'm able #club5050.
114 steem power is.
And 80 Steem cash out.
That was a wrong transfer to siz-official they returns me back 80 steem.
That's it is showing 160 steem.
You can check my wallet.

Thanks You.😀

 3 years ago 

Ok, thank you for telling me!

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