in Steem-Travelers3 years ago


Mount Geureudong, that's the name. The mountain adjacent to Mount Burni Telong is located in Bukit Mulie Village, Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh. This mountain has only been climbed by climbers from ACEH, namely PA Caniva and Mapala Univ. Muhammadiyah From Bukit Mulie and some from MAHITALA via the Pulo Intan village route before we got there. Therefore, not much of the story we knew when we were.

This mountain which has a height of 2885m above sea level has its own charm for us. The savanna that we saw quite a lot on the map, as well as information about the existence of the Sumatran Elephant on the Peak of Mount Geureudong became the main attraction for us to go here. Our journey started in mid-May 2015.

Bukit Mulie Village became our last place before climbing Mount Geureudong. We spent the night at Bang Supri's house which we also used as a communication base camp to convey information about our whereabouts while we were climbing. This village with friendly residents mostly has jobs as vegetable farmers and plantations. The original inhabitants of Bukit Mulie Village come from Javanese (mixed) tribes so that their everyday language is Javanese and Gayo.

Starting from Bukit Mulie Village, the distance we will travel is approximately 7 kilometers to the top of Geureudong and ending at Bukit Mulie Village as well. Our ascent starts from an altitude of 1046 meters above sea level. According to local residents, climbing Mount Geureudong takes about 5 days.

This hike begins by tracing a concrete road that is long enough to pass through the residents' plantations. With quite a lot of logistics at the beginning of the climb, and the very tough terrain made us quite overwhelmed to walk. However, the view of the Bukit Barisan that spreads out keeps us excited to continue the journey.

The hiking trails that we took were quite diverse, with diverse vegetation as well. We passed a fairly long concrete road, past coffee plantations.Arriving at the door of the jungle, the real climb begins. The path that many Citizens pass to hunt is a challenge for us to pass. Rattan plants that are often found often injure several body parts when passing through them. The difference in the weather from sunny in the morning to rainy in every afternoon, did not prevent us from continuing to walk through the obstacles we faced.

On the first ascent we made an inn on the path, namely at the foot of the Sarimin, at that time we practiced how to find or collect water, measure the temperature and PH of the soil around the inn location because it had started to enter the humidity area.

On the second day of climbing, after passing a fairly long path, we finally found one of the savanna fields of Mount Geureudong. namely the end of the valley, the savanna that previously we could only see on the map, finally we could see it for real. One of our goals to explore Mount Geureudong, which incidentally was to find one of the savanna on Mount Geureudog was finally achieved. All complaints during yesterday's trip paid off satisfied with the vast expanse of grass that stretched out beautifully. We can see the peak of Mount Geureudong from here.
We took the time to enjoy the beauty of the savanna for a few hours and decided to make a camp around the savanna (the Valley of the End). We also observed several places around the savanna where there were still many elephant trails and elephant dung. In the savanna itself, there are many traces of elephants and several places where elephants rest. But unfortunately, we did not see any Sumatran elephants on Mount Geureudong.

Our journey continues. Every time the sun began to set, we immediately looked for a place to rest to be used as a camp. This is also something we have been waiting for. The warmth of the bonfire always accompanies our nights. From what was once just an ordinary joke, until we became more and more familiar with each other. There were so many moments that kept us excited for the next days in the mountains.

In the end, we arrived at the top of Mount Geureudong with quite difficult paths and terrain obstacles. And finally we arrived at the top. Right Time At 11.00 WIB, we immediately divided the tasks to document the Pillars of Mount Geureudong and partly cooked lunch, made a fire to keep us warm. And that same day we returned to the Valley of the End camp.
We climbed Mount Geureudong in four days, from the starting point to the end point. By being treated to an extraordinary view on the way down, it made us seem to forget the tiredness we faced. The view of the Bukit Barisan Mountains that stretches widely and the expanse of a the white clouds that adorned the ceiling accompanied us on our way down.
Indonesian nature is indeed beautiful. The island of Sumatra has abundant natural resources, Mount Geureudong is one of them. Rarely heard the name Geureudong did not make our curiosity thinned. Our curiosity continues to grow, paid off as we go on this journey. All the difficulties we faced during the preparation of this expedition became an experience and became a life lesson for us. We believe that everything will be beautiful in time.



• Kampung Bukit Mulie
Bukit Mulie Village is one of the villages in Timang Gajah District. This village is the result of the expansion of Suka Damai Village in 2002. This village is located on a high land, with an altitude of 1200 to 1500 meters above sea level. To the east, Bukit Mulie Village is bordered by the Bukit/Wih Pesam sub-district, to the west by Mekar Ayu Village, to the south by Pantan Pediangan Village, while to the north it borders the Pantan Lues Village. The population of Bukit Mulie Village is: 280 families. 941 people, the majority of the population are coffee and Plawija farmers, with an area of ± 6 km.
Forms of Expedition Activities

• Activity planning
• Physical, mental preparation, skills, funds, and tools
• Travel to the location of the expedition
• Climbing Mount Geureudong
• Mapping the hiking trail of Mount Geureudong
• Documentation of all flora and fauna found during climbing activities
• Documentation of all expedition activities
• Return journey to the ALASKA secretariat
• Preparation of accountability reports and distribution of reports on the results of the expedition to those in need.

Activity Location
Mount Geureudong, Bener Meriah district, Aceh Province via Buket Mulie Village.

Execution Time
The time of this expedition activity was carried out on 20 to 25 March 2015
Number of Personnel

The Geureudong Mountain Expedition was attended and run by three Alaska Young members and two Alaska permanent member supervisors.


Expeditionary Personnel Composition
Advisor I

name : Suryadi
Position : Supervisor/Supervisor
Faculty / department : FKIP, Geography
Place Date of Birth : Bireuen/11 June 1984
Address : Paya Cut, Peusangan
Member number : PLP.009.ALSK.UNIMUS.2005
SIM Number : 830106230187
Contact number : 0853 7315 7511
Blood type: B

Pembimbim II
Name : Rizki Hendra
Position : Supervisor/Supervisor
Faculty / department : FKIP. Biology
Place Date of Birth : August 19, 1988
Address : Gampong Baro
Member number : Na.05.030.ALSK.UNIMUS.09
ID number : 1111051908880002
Contact number : 0852 6259 1543
A blood type
Team Personnel

name : Muchlisanur
Position: Chairman of the Committee
Faculty / department : FKIP Geography
Place, Date of birth: Lhoksukon, 13 Sep 1993
Address : Blang Village, Lhoksukon
Regency. North Aceh
Force: IX Old Compass
ID number : 1108041309930001
Contact number: 0823 6206 8644
Blood type O

name : M. Sanusi
Position : Cor. Administration
Cor. Equipment
Cor. Finance
Faculty / department : FISIPOL / State Administration
Place, Date of birth : Bireuen, 19 Sep 1993
Address : Batee Timoh, Bireuen
Force: IX Old Compass
ID card number : 1111041909930001
Contact number : 0852 9693 2026
A blood type

name : Siti Aminah
Position: choir. Logistics/consumption
Faculty / department : FKIP Geography
Place, date of birth: Langsa 11 dec 1993
Address : Paya bilisa district, Birem
East Aceh Bayeun
Force: VIII Jungle Malacca
ID card number:110304511293000
Contact number : 0853 7155 5065
A blood type

List of Equipment brought by the Mount Geureudong Expedition Team:

  1. Carrier : 3 Units
  2. Trangnia : 1 Unit
  3. Nesting: 1 Set
  4. Jerry cans: 3 units
  5. Knife: 1 piece
  6. Machete: 1 piece
  7. Plates: 5 pieces
  8. Glass: 5 pieces
  9. Tent: 1 unit
  10. Tarpaulin: 2 sheets
  11. Rapia rope: 2 rolls
  12. Guide rope: 5 rolls
  13. Spoon: 5 pieces
  14. Camera: 2 units
  15. GPS: 2 units
  16. Compass : 2 units
  17. Head Lamp/ Flashlight : 5 units
  18. Institution flag: 1 sheet
  19. Parapine: 3 boxes
  20. Peking Paper/Plastic: 20 sheets
  21. Soil PH: 1 unit
  22. Thermometer: 1 unit
  23. Metaran : 1 unit
  24. Map Tube : 1 unit
  25. Webbing : 2 rolls
  26. Survival Kid : 1 pack
  27. First Aid : 1 complete package
  28. Battery : 5 Box A3
  29. Storm Lights: 2 units

Wednesday, 18-03-2015
Shopping for preparations for climbing and packing.

Thursday, 19-03-2015
Shopping and packing - packing, and Finish packing Friday night at 22.15 WIB.

Friday, 03-20-2015
Exactly at 10.30 wib The release by the vice chancellor III Mr. Saiful Huri and Mr. Head of Student Affairs and followed by the invitees.

At 16.30 we departed from the secretariat, using a motorbike, we stopped for a moment to fill up oil at the Paya Meneng gas station at exactly 16.36 wib. and we continued our journey At 18.20 we arrived at the elephant's cradle and those who took care of the licensing at the police station were uret and bg jampok, while we waiting at the coffee shop At 19.15 we arrived at the coffee shop, finished siuret, bang jampok took care of the permits they arrived at the coffee shop At 19.17 wib, after they drank and took a short break, at 19.20 wib, the uret and bakoh continued to arrange permits at the Koramil. After finishing taking care of permits At 19.26 WIB we continued our journey to Sufri's house, and we arrived at Sufri's house at exactly 20.30 WIB, after that we had dinner At 21.10 WIB finished our meal At 21.22 WIB after eating we also talked with Sufri At 10:15 p.m. we took a break.
Saturday, 03-21-2015

At 06.15 wib we woke up, our breakfast was at 06.20 wib after that we started packing At 07.30 wib, after packing we did look for the coordinates at 08.50 wib, after that we took photos and immediately left from the house of bg sufri to the top of geureudong at 09.30 wib and during the trip we took the coordinates again in the box at 09.40 wib, and we did the first res at 10.15 wib, the second res at 10.25 wib, the third res at 11.06 wib, and isoma at 14.00 wib and during the trip we were hit by rain at 16.30 wib Because it was raining and it was getting dark, we made camp at Sarimin's feet, after we chose the right one, we set up camp at Sarimin's feet at 18.30 WIB, after the tent was set up, we cooked at 19.45. Wib finished eating At 19.55 WIB and we did night breving At 19.58 WIB after breving we continued to rest At 22.00, and while everyone was asleep, suddenly Sijaloe was cold at 22.35 WIB spontaneously everyone woke up except Siuret who was still sleeping because he was tired, after making a big fire and boiling water, after that we continued to rest again.
Sunday, 22-03-2015

Exactly at 06.00 wib we got up early, after that we did the cooking At 06.44 wib, breakfast at 07.44 wib ready for breakfast At 07.50 wib next we packed at 07.58 wib, and we continued our journey to the top of sarimin at 08.30 wib and arrived at the peak of sarimin At 12.00 WIB, when we arrived at the peak of the Sarimin, the drizzle fell and we made the tent. At 12.15 WIB, the tent stood up, then Siuret and Sibakoh observed the valley path, they finished. They left at 12.30 WIB.

they returned from observation At 14.13 WIB, after they came and were ready to eat, we packed up and continued the journey to the valley, ending at 14.18 WIB, during the trip there were many orchids, and we arrived at the valley at 13.15 WIB. In the valley of the end there are many savanna forests, moss forests and water sources and there are also many traces of elephants, broken and stone goats. And at 13.30 WIB, we ended up camping in the valley because there is a water source here, we cooked at 13.40 WIB, ate at 17.00 WIB, evening breving at 17.00 WIB, cooked green beans at 21.00 WIB, slept at 21.15 WIB.
Monday, 23-03-2015

Exactly at 07.00 wib we woke up in the morning, we didn't eat rice, only ate green beans and tea water, after that we continued our journey to the top of geureudong at 08.15 wib with only 1 package of logistics. Arriving at the peak of geureudong At 09.12 wib, during the journey there were many moss forests, arriving at the pillars at 10.34 wib, and we also took pictures together and after that we cooked at 11.00 wib, at 11.20 wib we finished eating. Then we left for the valley, ending at 13.00 WIB, while on the way there were a lot of moss forests due to the humidity, during the return journey we took the left path which should be the right and we were forced to open a new path again, and we were hit by rain at 13.09 WIB, we arrived at the end of the valley At 13.15 WIB, arrived at the peak of Sarimin At 13.45 WIB during the return journey from the valley, we ended up taking the wrong path and had to open a new route, because it was getting dark we did not continue the journey and camped on the right track At 18.20 WIB we set up a tent, cooked At 19.25 wib, and dinner at 20.15 wib, and sleep at 21.00 wib.. While we were camping on the way home we experienced a shortage of drinking water, only 3 bottles of agua were left, and we had to survey the water.

Tuesday, 24-03-2015
Exactly at 07.20 wib We got up, packing at 0930 wib, departed at 10.00 wib, while on the way home we had to open the path, it was very steep and very extreme and we went down and Alhamdulillah we got a very clear water source at 11.27 wib. Cook on the way home At 12.05 WIB, lunch at 12.30 WIB, ready to pack, we left At 12.05 WIB, arrived at the door of the jungle At 15.10 WIB, arrived at Bang Jufri's house At 16.10 WIB, had dinner at 20.05 WIB, slept at 21.15 WIB.

Wednesday, 25-03-2015
At 06.15 WIB, we wake up in the morning, we cook at 07.15 WIB, breakfast at 08.10 WIB, packing at 09.15 WIB , go home from home bang jufri to campus At 10.20 pm. Arrived at my beloved campus at 13.00 WIB.

Expedition Team Documentation


 3 years ago 

Your trip is amazing, even I want to do an expedition to that place, with a different route. I really enjoy writing like this. complete with data and team personnel

thank you for visiting my post, thank you also for the guidance

 3 years ago 

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It's a very extraordinary view, thank you for sharing I really like the pictures you posted, once again thank you very much for sharing friends🤗🙏

 3 years ago 

Nice report, beautiful adventure 5 days is a lot of time, thank you for sharing with the community! :D/

The way you pay attention to minute details is alarming. Thanks for sharing.

thank you for your attention

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