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RE: The End of Capitalism and Communism. And Good Riddance

in Informationwar2 months ago

The easiest way to discuss this topic is to discuss a very strange fact.

The ideological founder of "capitalism" is Karl Marx.

Marx studied the Art of War. He knew that the general who defined the battlefield is likely to win the war.

So, Marx spent most of his life defining the position of his opposition. Marx wrote a huge three volume work called "Das Kapital." He then wrote a manifesto to raise the people in revolution of the strawman he had created.

Marx never defined "Communism." Communism is a vague illusion to a phrase in the bible that after the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles on Pentecost, the people shared and lived as one.

Marx spent his entire life defining capitalism. He inspired millions to raise in rebellion against a strawman. But, He never defined communism.


Yes, and so communists often use magical language.

Like, everyone will be cared for.
From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.

That wasn't real communism.

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