Covid19 Insanity

I don’t know about you, but when the health authorities themselves express concern over the inaccuracy of the SARS-Cov2 tests being used to ‘diagnose’ covid19 in patients, stating that a negative test result does not rule out infection with the virus, and false positives “may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-Cov2 coronaviruses,” I wouldn’t trust those tests as a reliable indication of who and how many people have this ‘covid19’ thing, whatever it may or may not be.

But that is exactly what the media is doing once again, relying on data which is relying on utterly unreliable test results to prop up the latest pandemic narrative that there is currently a major comeback surge of the scary virus in three states including Texas. If negative doesn’t necessarily mean negative, and positive will be produced by any old coronavirus like the common cold, then why even bother using the tests at all?

But besides the corporate/government push for everyone to wear masks, testing, testing and more testing is the other critically important facet of this two-pronged ‘solution’ to the ‘problem’. Get everyone tested with tests that are highly inaccurate, and force everyone into a constant oxygen deprived state by convincing or forcing them to wear masks that don’t keep out the virus, and problem solved!

Works out great for the manufacturers of the masks, and Abbot Labs which produced the highly inaccurate instant test then pushed by Donald Trump, and the media which can use the overinflated data of ‘confirmed’ covid19 cases to sell the pandemic narrative which will in turn benefit the mask and test manufacturers.

But probably not all that healthy for the people walking around all day every day for days on end, being constantly oxygen deprived by the masks that aren’t even effective at keeping out the virus. OSHA requires an atmosphere with a minimum of 19.5% oxygen for approved workspace, deeming anything less than this to be unsafe. However the oxygen levels in the atmosphere created by the masks is only 17-18%.

Common sense indicates that voluntarily subjecting oneself or or being forced by mandate to live within this unsafe oxygen deprived environment day in and day out for months on end, in the name of slowing the spread of a virus which has been repeatedly shown to have death rates no higher than the common flu, is neither the wise, safe or healthy thing to do!

But because the media says to wear a mask, and some governments are requiring it, the good little slaves obey.

Meanwhile the mayor of Houston, Texas is seeking to create a ‘Wall of Shame’ for all the local businesses refusing to comply with the government mandates he has implemented, including enforcing mandatory masks within businesses. The city has already begun issuing $1,000 fines to non-compliant businesses and has eve punished several establishments by taking their liquor licenses. This might only be the beginning of the tyrannical madness for Houston, however, as the mayor is seeking to impose further unspecified measures in the future.

This of course is due in part to what the media is describing as a recent resurgence of the ‘pandemic’ in Texas with a massive spike in cases, seemingly out of nowhere. In reality, only 200 people have officially died from covid19 in Houston, with 16,000 confirmed cases.

Let’s put aside the fact that the CDC guidelines require hospitals to record anyone who dies with the virus but not caused by it, along with anyone for whom cause of death is merely presumed to be the virus, as covid19 deaths, and this inflated death count is then used as the official tally cited by the media. Let’s also put aside the fact that the tests are admitadly inaccurate and spew out a large number of false positives, identifying those who are or have in the past been infected with a non-covid19 coronavirus such as the common cold as a positive covid-19 case.

Houston is a city of 2.5 million people, over 4 million including the suburbs. 16,000 infections in a population of 2.5 million is a mere 0.0065%, with only 0.00008% of the total population falling victim to death at the hands of this ‘super dangerous scary pandemic’.

Derrick Broze covers this and more of the insanity going on in his home town of Houston in the video below.

And if none of this seems insane enough to you yet, the government has begun to use this scamdemic to seize children from parents for the sole reason that a parent has tested positive - on more than one occasion! One such instance the baby was returned to the mother when a second test showed the original test had been one of the common false positives. In another instance, a judge actually ruled in favor of the government kidnappers and decided against returning the child to its parents custody. Being sick is not a crime, and should never be used as a pretext for kidnapping other family members, particularly children who are the most immune to this thing.

While a large majority of the people seem to be going about their business as usual, immune to the propaganda, the statists and propagandists are still attempting to push their insanity on us all.

‘A second wave is coming!’ ‘Cases are on the rise!’ ‘Hospitals are at capacity!’ ‘Be good little slaves and do what we say.’ ‘The coming vaccine will save you.’ It’s like hitting the rewind button and watching the whole show unfold all over again. Except this time more people have become wise to what a scam this whole thing really is.

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