Where Is Tesla's Tower? Surely We Could Have Recreated it By Now


Many people who learn of Tesla, and his tower that was supposed to power the world, wonder why haven't we built another? Where is our free energy?

A lot of people talk about building a new "Tesla's Tower". Most of this is just talk. Others are scams. There was one group who had a kick-starter to build a modern "Tesla's Tower". They advertised that they were going to build it the exact height from Tesla's plans. And, in that very statement, it shows that they didn't read any of Tesla's writings, and have no idea how the tower works. But, a lot of people donated.

Many people believe that the technology is being hidden, suppressed. That all that is needed is for the right people to release it.

Where is it then? Can we really keep such stuff secret?
Tesla discovered it, why has no one else discovered it?

Like, we have smart phones now, we are sooooo much more advanced now, right?

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What was Tesla's Tower going to be?

Tesla's Tower on Wardenclyffe was to power the world. Tesla was going to build one on the opposite side of the world as a backup.

Those people that talk about building Tesla Towers all over, do not understand what Tesla's Tower was supposed to do.

This one tower would provide energy to the world, and send radio signals, telegram and even facsimiles. Its range was the world. Very specifically the world, because it worked by vibrating the capacitor that is the world. We live between two plates, the heavens and the earth. (i am not going to explain these words right now). We live inside a capacitor.

And so, you vibrate the charge inside the capacitor, and it effects will be everywhere on the planet.

But, as a result, anyone wanting total global control would control this tower, and thus the energy supply of the world.

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Tower builders stumbling around in the dark

Those people, that talk about building a tower to Tesla's exact specifications, do not know what they are talking about. Tesla had plans to attach the tertiary coil to balloons, but they weren't stable/strong enough. The tower on Wardenclyffe was just built as tall as possible with the materials available. Tesla tells us this in his own writings.

What we don't know is that science was turned completely wrong. Tesla was all about the Aether. Michelson-Morley and later Einstein destroyed anyone daring to look into the aether. So, for 100 years, we have been going in the wrong direction. We have been doing electricity the HARD way, and not every knowing it.

Scientist congratulate themselves for sending electricity across the room. Tesla, with the precursor to the Wardenclyffe sent power over 50 miles.

Scientists today believe there is not aether, that electrical force is caused by moving or vibrating electrons and many other things that are completely wrong. Until we go back to Tesla and start over with our science, we will always be in the dark.

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Free energy?

Humanity will not be allowed to have free energy devices on this planet until we will not use them for war. Not even think about using them for war. Until then, we can't even conceive of how these very simple items work. It is just that one thought form excludes the other from being understood.

Will we build Tesla Towers? There is no need to. That very capacitor that Tesla was going to vibrate is already vibrating. We just have to understand how to use them. Tesla's vibrations were going to be much more coarse, instead these vibrations are much finer and thus harder to see and harder to work with.

After Tesla's tower was destroyed, Tesla set off to work on a much more portable version. And finally on building tiny powering units. He is rumored to have built an electric car that used no batteries. After that, he was working with a shipping company about powering a ship.

Tesla realized that there was too much resistance to his tower, and decided to work elsewhere.

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We too will have to look/work elsewhere.

We have quite a few continuous, green, energy options available to us now. They are only not-available because of politics.

We can build wave energy gathering devices. We just need to build a large paddle wheel near the beach. The reason we don't have one working right now is all the people who come out say, protect the beauty of our coasts.

We can build real solar gathering devices. Stop using water as a refrigerant (boiling media). We can build a steam engine (or turbine) using a refrigerant that boils much lower. Than we don't have to build such complex heat gathering, sun ray focussing panels.

We can build geothermal energy devices. Similar to above, we do not need to drill 5 miles to boil water. About 3 (same as an oil well) will suffice. Much cheaper, and will provide a small community with power for centuries.

We can build magnet motors. Things that spin because of the magnetic forces aligned properly. These will be everywhere soon. Watch for them, and be sure to spread the plans far and wide when they are released.

Tesla's Tower would have worked, however, there is really no need for it anymore. There actually was never a need for it.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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