TPTshouldn'tB Are Buying Up All the Assets - The Wrong Assets


There is a strange thing about evil. By its very structure, it is quite blind to the future.

A narcissist / psychopath is basically a 5 y.o. kid in an adult body. Their morals, and view of the world is "mine", "me" and "I". They become very good at being clever, but they lose all ability to think of a better future. They are trapped in a world where their false self must be protected at all times.

The narcissist can perfectly map out how they will manipulate a person, but can't understand why some people do no fall for their cunning plan.

You hear Satan Klaus say things like, the greatest threat to the Great Reset is a mass global awakening. Or, people wising up to the magician's tricks.

The narcissist cannot see the inevitable failure of their plans. They have to believe in the holy sanctity of them. That the plans are perfect, that they are perfect.

And thus, when we reach a point in time where we are facing a huge shift, the narcissist fail to see it / plan for it.

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It is like bitcoin vs debt based fiat currency.

TPTshouldn'tB see the part about it that tracks all transactions, and they want that. So, they make their own digital currency that includes that, and talk about it as if it is the same as bitcoin.

They do not see that bitcoin is not only transparent, it is also unstoppable, that it is decentralized. So, they make a copy and forget to add the most important part.

Yes, VHS beat BETA for the video tape standard. But, they were both video tapes, with only a small improvement in quality to BETA. This is more like a comparison between Video tape and DVDs. The Banksters are going to try to sell us that video tapes are as good as DVDs, and it just isn't going to fly. And since we are in a digital world, there is no need to choose this or that, we may have both running simultaneously.

With every closure of a CBDC account, more people will leave that system, till the banksters own all of the CBDCs. Their mountain of filth, all to themselves.

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These psychopaths will not understand why people will prefer bitcoin over the CBDCs. "Why won't these people walk wilfully into my perfectly laid trap?"

It is that evil is a spherical shell, a circle and all its energy is flowing into oblivion, circling the drain. The one who is evil cannot see outside of their circle. They can never think of a better future (this is why politicians today can never solve any problems. It is not incompetence, it is universal law)

So, now that TPTshouldn'tB have gotten most people to move off of farms and into the cities, accepting soul-destroying jobs, and toxic food and water, they believe we will just naturally move towards their 15 minute cities open air prisons. And probably many will.

However, many are seeing the trap, and are getting out.

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The future is different. Well, duh. If you are working on making things better, the future is going to be different.

So, lets say that things, on a universe level, look like this: Good has wealth, and is building up a better future. Evil is wallowing in their misery, fairly powerless to cause no more than annoyance. How would this manifest?

The elite seemingly have lots of power. Which is mostly that they can bribe people with money. They have all the money in the world, and so can bribe lots of people, which gets more people to follow along. So, what will transpire? These "elite" will lose their power to bribe people.

One way this may come about is people wise up to the elite and their minions. Once detected, no good person will deal with them. They have a one star rating, they really become outcast from good-people society. (they can go form their own society, but they will be few, and weak)

Another way is that what is valuable shifts. Horses were once very valuable. It meant your life (that is why horse stealing was a hangable offence). Today, horses are mostly pets. And so it is with each age that comes and goes. Copper, bronze, iron… So, today, gold and dollars are valuable. Tomorrow, those will probably be considered junk. Gold is an excellent, hypo-allergenic, non-stick coating for pans. Bitcoin (or something better) will have taken over as currency around the world.

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And so, things that are considered valuable today, are considered assets today, will be left to rot tomorrow.

McMansions in the suburbs. A big house that isn't really big enough to serve for large parties, and is also too big to live in comfortably, will be seen as an albatross around the neck. Further, suburbs will vacated, as crime increases, and access to food dwindles. This symbol of "making it" will be seen as waste of time in the future.

Fiat Currency around the world, the people that use debt based, fiat currency will dwindle. As banks close accounts, people are searching for alternatives, and when enough find them, they will be gone. Paper dollars will be the last to go, but they will go too.

Stocks sure, owning a piece of a corporation sounds good today, but what if you didn't actually own anything. All you had was a promise on a promise to buy you one. What is worse, is when corporations start dying because they get a one star review. They are harming the planet, actually polluting instead of treating their waste. No one will do business with them. Their stock value, if you actually own it, will be zero. (maybe less if rules are enacted that the corporation, and its owner are liable for the pollution cleanup)

Gold the story that we are told that gold was money for 5000 years is false. It was only ever money in local environments, and mostly because the kings said it was. Which do you want? A cow or a pile of gold (if you are starving)? It was, for a time, a good method of exchange, but it isn't anymore. It is a barbarous relic. (they said that to get people to sell them all their gold, but it will become the truth)

And so, TPTshouldn'tB are going to lose their wealth.
Everything they have was stolen, swindled, or extorted, so it will take them a long time to recover. On the other hand, poor people who trade their labor, will start earning in the new system. (and as we learn the cons the banksters did, we will be much more on top of never letting them do that again)

TPTshouldn'tB are trying to buy up all the assets through their minions like BlackRock. They think they will own everything soon. But really, they will own nothing.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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