To Help Us Stop Govern-cement Oppression... Volcanoes!

Sign Post says Danger Ahead

This post is going to be way off the cuff, and going into serious woo woo.
These are just my feelings sent out into the future to glean helpful information so you can be prepared.

A lot of things are happening right now, all at once, all interconnected.
Like, the trial of Trump, and the Trump Election fraud court cases finally moving forward, and banks failing, and crypto being attacked, AND volcanic activity in the Antarctic, all of these are connected.

Now is the apocalypse.

Apocalypse (n) - The time of unveiling. When all things hidden becomes known

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Along with the Grand Solar Minimum (sun activity) there is an increase in volcanic activity.

We are seeing an increase in volcanic activity around the world, especially in Antarctica.

There are some theories that the change in temperature of the sun, the vibration the sun is putting out now causes changes in the earth. Putting extra strain on the earth causing things to shift and crack.

It is my gut feeling that we will see volcanic eruptions in the oceans, and in many developed nations soon.

But when?

When the govern-cements try to crack down on their people.

No, really.

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The Three Gorges Damn in China is set to burst.
People who have been watching it move for years are wondering why it hasn't burst yet.

Well, it will probably burst just when China is getting prepared to attack Taiwan, or just after.
Causing China to have to split their forces. China will need its military to handle such a large disaster.

Or maybe China will ignore the flood victims... and then they will need the military to defend themselves from the angry Chinese who have had enough of Xi the Pooh's heavy handedness.

I am unsure who made this image, but the CCP hates it. Credit goes to the unknown person

The Chinese people revolting, the Three Gorges Damn bursting, and the failed attack on Taiwan are all interconnected.

And maybe some other natural disasters, and food riots, and...

But, it really is mother earth and heavenly forces helping people liberate themselves from govern-cements and the evil Khazarian Mafia.

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It used to be that the woo-woo people saw earthquakes in our future, now it seems to have changed to volcanoes. Or volcanoes and earthquakes.

There will be many in the oceans causing a lot more violent storms along the coasts.
Along with the rising sea levels (not because of melting ice - global warming)
If you are along the coast, get yourself prepared... i suggest you move, to somewhere you can grow a big garden.

Along with this... well, before... they are trying now, to issue in digital money, to take over all the banks, and lock you down by controlling where and when you can spend your money.

Many places are trying to bring in martial law and enforce even tighter controls over their citizens.

So, all this will be happening at once.
The govern-cements, a very rigid structure, will not survive.
But the people who can stay loose and adapt as the situation around them changes will survive into a brand new world.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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