This Time it IS Different -and This IS WHY This Time is Different


Like bronze got replaced by steel, got replaced by aluminum.
The ages each have something new that is valuable, and the old "important/valuable stuff" becomes a mere commodity, or worse, junk.

This is at the core of the questions "What to invest in?", "Where should i put my money?", "What is going on with the market".

Many things, that a lot of people are "investing" in, are about to turn to Weimar Marks. Toilet paper was worth more than those pieces of paper.

Again, toilet paper will be worth more than many of the paper that we are currently "investing" in.

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The STONK market

People expect the stock market to crash. But it is all about cycles, it will rise again, just like after the great depression.

However, this is false. The stock market will crash, fall over, burn to the ground and turn to dust. It will become a footnote in history and economics books.

How can something so monstrous, so prevalent, so much the focus of everyday news, just turn to dust?

For several reasons.

  • Corporations are evil.
  • Stock markets are corrupt.
  • Stock market only goes up by real world growth or by money printing.
  • No one will invest with or buy from corporations that are polluting.
  • No one will sell their company.

Corporations are set up to externalize losses and internalize gains. Their pollution is the cities, the surrounding areas problem. If they are not taxed right now, or regulated by their emissions right now, there is nothing you can do to the corporation. And, this is why they are profitable.

Soon, people will not stand for corporations polluting the planet. No one will do business with a polluter. I mean, no one. So, the costs will become internalized which makes them not profitable (in the old sense) and not viable. They will have lost their buyers. And basically, will dwindle into dust.

The stock market is selling at least 5 ghost shares for every share of stock that is available for trade. When the music stops, a lot of people will find they own nothing. And this will make a lot of people very angry. And then Cede and company will back peddle and say, ok, we will work out a better sharing method of who gets what stocks. People will view stock markets with a high degree of suspicion.

And the real killer is that the stock market only goes up by new products and new markets. Or, in other words, by growth. We haven't had any real growth in decades. But the stock market has continued to go up! This is because the Fed was giving out free money to all their friends, and that money went into the stock market. When we move to real money, the stock market will be seen as a place that only loses money. (If you plot it vs real inflation, the stock market graph is fairly flat)

In these ways, the stock market just stops being a place where anyone will invest. Stocks will become worthless paper. Any "public traded companies" left will be on the block chain. The stock market is completely toast. (albeit, this may take 50 years to play out)

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Gold is a pretty yellow hunk of metal that was valued by our alien overlords.

Gold has been money for 5000 years! Gold bugs declare.

And it may have been, but only for Europe, and only for times in between currencies. It has not really been the money for the last 5000 years.

But it is highly prized by the rots-children. And this is because they are/were god's chosen people. Those gods being an advanced alien race, that loved drink and gold. (Silver harmed these aliens) And today, the rots-children, who are behind all central banks are hoarding gold, because their masters coveted it.

You do not have to believe that, you can just accept that the banksters like the yellow metal because the other banksters like the yellow metal. And because they like it, everyone else thinks its valuable too. Plus it was money some time ago.

The thing that keeps the price up is that everyone thinks it is rare. But it really isn't. It is just that most of it sits in rots-child caves, and no one knows it exists. My feeling is that rots-childs could see gold at $20 an ounce to any person who wanted it, for 100s of years, from what they are sitting on.

So, gold is really not that rare. And it mostly sits in dark corners of basements doing nothing. And, as such, it really has no worth. (especially compared to bitcoin)

But two other things will make gold valueless.

Lets say that the "elite" start paying their goons in gold, because there is no other currency they would accept. And the local farmers are getting paid for their produce in gold, from these goons. Who are also the ones putting the boot in. So the local farmers recognize that all the gold is coming from the rots-child goons, and chooses to stop selling produce for gold. And thus, they are not supporting the people who are putting them down. Gold may even be called, "The devils money". No good person will want to touch it.

The other thing that makes gold valueless is vibrational mining. A new tech that will allow one to just have the gold flow out of the rock they point the speaker at. Gold is everywhere. See iron pyrite? Its all over California. That is gold, just a fool would try to get it out. But with this new tech, you get as much gold as you are willing to spend time getting.

This is the far future.
In the near future, people in California will be panning for gold to pay for groceries.

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In the future, other things will be valuable

Watch for things that emerging. That look like they will topple old paradigms. And invest in those things.

The fake investment paper of the past, will turn to dust (it is really only a promise on a promise…) Things in the future will be very real. (as long as you can conceive of crypto as being real.)

The easiest example is bitcoin/crypto-currencies. Soon, the entire financial market/institutions will be gone, replaced by smart contracts and bitcoin. If you could simply short Wall Street.

Silver will be found to have properties that are extremely important. And thus become very valuable. Very much in demand. And real demand, from real people, that need the real thing. The COMEX is sooo dead. There will be a silver futures crypto-block chain. That will be mined by silver miners 😝. Basically, miners putting out what their near future reserves will be, and people who want to use that silver, bidding for who will get it. (and also, where the mining company ships it)

Good, nutritious, and not poisonous (yes that will be a very important part of food sales in the near future) food will be quite valuable. So valuable it may not be sold for money. It may not be sold to "strangers". You will need to know your farmer, personally. Or, be a farmer yourself in order to buy/trade for food.

People will not support war. Not like protesters, but like, every single thing you do is arranged in a way that does not support war. If your crops go to feed the workers in factory that makes munitions, your crops no longer go there. If your taxes go to support war, the taxes will not be paid. If you work in any job that builds munitions or helps support that corporation, people will quit. (and there will be support for such quitters.)

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These are some of the things that will be changing.

It is like buggy whips and cars. The old stuff will become useless/worthless and maybe even despised.

So, if you have investments in the old system, pull your money out. (i am not kidding about being despised)

Like AstroZenIKA and Fizer and John & son will become so reviled, that previous worker will be harassed. Certain people who had direct involvement with the VAXXX will be hunted down. REVILED!

I am looking out about 50 years here, however, the stock market crash will most likely be this year. And a good chunk of this stuff will be under way within 3 years.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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