This Is THE Fight of the Century. Who Wins Decides If We Are Free or If We Are Slaves


In one corner, we have the heavy-gravity champion of the world, the man who needs no introduction because he is regaled in every book on science there is as the most brilliant man ever, with the highest IQ and inventor of all we think of as physics, Albert Einstein.

In the other corner, a man who needs little introduction to his group of fans that have done a lot of digging into reality, but it almost unknown to vast majority of people. The man who electrified our world, and brought about most of the inventions that we think of when we define modern life, Nikola Tesla.

Now, these two are the icons for two different branches of scientific thought.

One has been embraced by the "modern materialistic science" community for a hundred years, while they did their best to suppress knowledge that the other even existed.

If Tesla can win, it will be one hell of a come-back fight.

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This is really a fight

You would think that the scientific community would not have such a thing.
Every scientist would be "lets have experiments, and see where the truth lies"

But no, there are people who look for the truth, and they ALL come to Tesla after a while, or you have all the people in academia who circle the wagon and defend Einstein to the death, even though his theories have been disproven, many, many, many times.

What is interesting is that many non-science type people believe in Einstein because that is who they were told was great, and do not believe in Tesla, because they were told he was a fraud. Although they cannot describe what Einstein did, nor do they know that every time they flip a switch and a light comes on, that was Tesla's doing.

Modern ivory tower physicists call Tesla a fraud, a trickster, although they cannot replicate, TODAY, many of the things he did, on command, in front of news-paper reporters.

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The truth about universities.

All the universities have been infiltrated. They were forced to hire teachers who did not believe in the aether. (if they didn't, they didn't get funding, and often would get fired)

So basically, rich people like rots-child and rock-e-fellow changed what was taught a universities for everyone to follow.

They did this so we would constantly need to rely on them for energy. That we would have to pay them to heat our homes. That we would have to work for them to get money to pay for the coal.

They control the patent office (Einstein was a patent clerk) so they got first look at all the inventions, and by hook or by crook, they made sure that certain patents never saw the light of day.

Today, we have Elon Musk building things that were described in 1970s Popular Mechanics and Popular Science, and in doing so, wowing the masses.

Actual inventions are almost non-existent.
We call ourselves technologically advanced, however, very few understand the technology they are using.

And this comes about from a group that is making sure everyone stays dumb and ignorant.
You can get a PhD in a subject that has no bearing on reality.

Any actual knowledge is verboten. You may not speak of it in the ivory towers.

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Yes, Virginia, the Luminiferous aether exists

The mother WEFers have hidden the aether for as long as the can. But now it is leaking out.

There are still huge battles online (because all discussion is stopped in colleges) because the "modern materialistic physics" people can't accept their precious theories are wrong. It is supposed to take only one disproof to disprove a theory, but after 100s of disproofs, the ivory tower elite just come up with more and more convoluted ways to justify their beliefs. (Now their exists "Dark matter", matter that we cannot see, and still haven't been able to detect, although, according to them, it makes up 90% of our solar system.)

Aether models easily explain magnetism, while "modern materialistic science" uses unicorn particles to explain it. Yes, particles that shoot out, and hit something, knocking it towards the emitter. (Or, something we have never seen happen in physics, or a unicorn.)

So, we can either throw out the last 100 years of science, or we can waste the next 100 years making a more convoluted box for our brains.

The ramifications are, stay in the box, and become a slave as the rulers impart more and more controls upon us. Or, we start to open up fields where we find that energy is abundant and healing.

I know it is really hard to give up all those years of university study, and start learning afresh. It takes so much longer to unlearn then it did to learn it all in the first place. And you are always doubting yourself. However, it is time we stop ignoring facts, and start looking at the reality right in front of us.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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