There Will Be No Mortgages In the Future


Jerome Powell said that their will be pain. He said so three times in that speech. So, i suggest we believe him.

Then, it seemed like the Fed was going to lower rates 4 times this year, but if we had listened to Powell, we would have known this was false. Not enough pain yet.

The interesting thing is this will destroy mortgages forever.
Let me set up the dominoes for you.

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The Fed's plans:

The Fed's plans are: (the mother WEFer's plans are:)

  1. Destroy the middle class' savings and ability to take on debt.
  2. Destroy the small banks as mortgage and car loans default.
  3. Destroy all the mom & pop stores.
  4. Destroy all the medium sized banks as commercial real estate crashes.
  5. Let the housing market crash.
  6. Buy up all the good real estate for pennies on the dollar through your "friends of the banks".
  7. Construct 15 minute cities
  8. Get the population to "willingly" use CBDCs.

Also in this plan, but not really the Fed, but the Plunge Protection Team, which lives in the Fed building

  1. Crash the stock market
  2. Transfer all the boomer stock accounts into "special" bonds.
  3. Buy up all the stocks for pennies on the dollar through your "friends of the banks"

This is a plan, and it is already in motion.

Even if Trump is elected, AND he is a good guy / white hat, he will not be able to do anything about most of this. He may seize the "friends of the banks" corporations, or in some other way stop the last steps, but it really doesn't matter because of the next dominoes.

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No mortgages for low class people, as planned

So, basically, all the banks get destroyed. There are 6 big banks left. CBDCs are pushed hard. And mortgages are rare.

You do not have the huge amount of banks to get a loan through, you have six, and they will be extremely picky. (that is part of the plan)

A person wanting to get a mortgage will need to have perfect credit and have a lot of cash / good job. And there will be unspoken requirements. Like, these people need to be in a tech industry, and wanting to buy a house where T.H.E.Y. want all the tech people to move.

Middle and low class people will be shit out of luck. The housing market crashed, and no banks will seem to want to lend on that. (they will say it is risky lending, although they know full well where the bottom of the market they set is)

For the average person, there will be no mortgages.

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The other dominoes

There are things transpiring that the banks haven't included in their plans. And basically, the banks are tightening the noose around their necks, thinking their plans are fool proof.

The housing market is done, over, gone

We have a falling population. Meaning that soon, over half the houses will be vacant. Boomers and VAXXXed will be leaving empty houses. And this is the start of the downward trend. And if everything stayed the same as today, you would have a house buyer's choice being every other house.

But, things won't be the same. There will be no reason to be near cities. No jobs, no stores, no safety. Everyone who can leave, will leave. All this high priced suburban real estate will be worthless.

CBDCs will be shunned

People are learning the tricks that banks have been pulling. When they put together that this housing crash, and all these people who are homeless is ALL THE BANKSTERS FAULT, they will never want to deal with banks again.

This goes hand in hand with the rise of crypto usage. (else, what would be the point of leaving the banks?) And once the people leave the banks for crypto, they will not go back.

"Moving out at 18" will be verboten

The idea of pushing "birds" out of the nest will be declared stupid.

How dare us! We burden the youngest, and least capable to go out and buy a house? And these youngsters must outbid all buyers who have come before them. ("house prices ALWAYS go up", "We must keep our property values high")

What kind of horrible people are we? Well, it seemed fine when the boomers started on this process. When there was lots of available land to turn into suburbs, and they all got in on the ground floor of this housing bubble. But, we didn't pay attention to the fact that rising house prices meant that our children would be SOL. And their children would just give up trying, the bar is set that high.

In the future, people's thoughts will be on, not bringing a child into this world unless their is a space for that child. You have the land first, then you have the child. And this will most likely be a community thing, a community choice, a community plan. Where to raise the child, where to teach the child, and where they will first start on their solo journey.

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The banksters are running the same plan they did back in 1929.
Fortunately, other things are changing, and the banksters are cutting the legs out from under them (them standing on a chair with a rope around their necks, put there by them)

The problem for all us little people is how to navigate this time where all the olds are crumbling. All the things we used to take for granted are going.

Imagine McDs saying that they are not for low class people? They said it. If you are not making a middle class income, McDs is now out of your price range.

The way we buy things, where we live, how we trade, how we pay for things… these are all shifting.

I am most happy that the evil that is MORTGAGES will be gotten rid of!

Mortgage - french; Mort - death, gage - paper / note (IOU) or, you will pay until your dead. Or pay with your life.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


You can thank the white hat Trump right along with Biden for the high price of going to McDonalds. His trade deal with China included increase exports of our beef, 386% increase of beef going to China, within China and other countries there is over a six hundred percent increase of our chicken leaving the country. More demand, higher the prices.

Look! Trump is saving people from the horrible, fattening McDs food! He IZ our savior. 😝

But that deal may be all that is really saving us from war with China.

Too many moving parts.
But, i was already never going to go back to McDs. Don't eat the fast food no more.

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