The Reason Why Usury Is Evil


The fractional reserve lending of debt based fiat currency is truly evil. But few people understand how evil it is.

Let us tell a made up story of the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker… and the knight.

This knight comes into town and offers to set them up with coins. He will make sure no one counterfeits them, and all he asks is that people pay him 10% per year, and if someone is unable to pay him, he gets all their stuff. The knight starts everyone off with 10 coins

All fair and equal, right?

Well, not really.

For the baker to maintain his coins, and get 1 for the knight, he needs to end the year with 11 coins. So will the butcher and the candlestick maker. But, there is only 30 coins between the three of them. So, if one has 11, someone has 9. All three cannot get 11 coins. There is always a loser, or everyone is a loser.

And it is just a matter of time before everyone is cleaned out by the night.

Even if the night spent all the coins he collected, back into the town.
It is only a matter of time before each person fails, and has all their stuff taken. (there are always runs of bad luck)

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Lord Rots-child rides in and offers fiat currency


He doesn't care who makes the laws, because the house always wins in the end. Those playing in the casino, if they keep playing, they will always lose.

In a monetary system, if there is anything skimming a portion of it (like the Fed being paid 5% per year) then the system will slowly constrict around everyone using it, until they are all choked to death.

All Rots-child had to do was wait.

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The reasons why usury is bad, and you need jubilees.

In order for a currency to continue working for more than 30 years, it has to have no one taking a percentage. And it has to have loan forgiveness.

The Bible says that Usury is a sin, and that ever 7 years their must be a jubilee.

Usury destroys the system. Eating it out from within. Each year there is less money. And it spirals in on itself till death.

The opposite seems weird to us. Why would we make a loan at 0% interest?

Well, if you have a fixed monetary supply, and you lend money to someone to build infrastructure, then when you get your money back, you have the money, and the infrastructure. There is now more wealth. So, the money you lent out, has been returned to you more valuable.

Likewise, if you are lent money, and something happens where you can not pay it back, then the jubilee is there to keep everyone to sliding into debtors prison. You lose more and more people, and pretty soon the entire economy collapses. So, at times you need to forgive the debts.

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What the banksters are doing is evil.

They have built a system that destroys everyone slowly.
Also, it completely destroys the slowest runners.

Since there isn't enough currency to pay all the loans (fractional reserve lending) there will always be someone who fails to pay their loans, and then gets completely destroyed by the system.

This is the system that we have been born into. It is not happenstance that people go bankrupt, it is the system working as intended. It is not happenstance that the national debt goes higher and higher, that is the system working as intended.

Pretty soon, the Fed will tell The US that they own them. And that will sound logical. We owe all that money. But realize, we have been snookered. We have been put into a game we can never win. People who practice fraud be imprisoned, not repaid.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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