The Markets are Falling! (to pieces, turning to dust) And It Is About Time


It seems that every day i watch videos from my favorite market analysts, it seems like all the alarms are sounding. We are at the beginning of the popping of the everything bubble.

And it seems that the people behind the scenes are trying to get the timing of all of these to pop at the same time. It is going to be a photo finish about which bubble pops first.

Corporations are laying off thousands of people. Many of the same are promising to hire illegal immigrants. What is up with that? I guess they want the middle class gone.

Corporation CEO are selling their stock, at what looks like the top of the market. Stocks to fall by 50%, some say. If you short these, be prepared to not get paid.

House prices in so many places are dropping. In the places they are not dropping, they are not selling. It is just hovering. And foreclosures haven't even really begun. Real estate agents are being laid off.

Car sales are DOWN. Car auctions have been dead for a long time. Dealerships are sitting on inventory that isn't moving. I have even heard that dealerships are sending their expensive trucks (that no one is buying) to auction.

All of the old asset classes are about to crash.

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All the olds are going away

This is not just a crash that is coming. This is not just a popping of bubbles blown by the Fed and greed. We are changing as a people, as as society. Even our countries will be changed greatly.

Stock markets are going to crash. They are only up because of money printing and the Plunge Protection Team.

Then, the stock markets are going to be found to be untrustworthy. Selling all kinds of stocks multiple times. And this will cause the stock markets to be closed until they can put all the stocks on the block-chain, and figure out who owns what stock. (they have plans to tell you all that you own nothing.)

After that, we have like 50 years left, corporations will all be dead. The idea of a corporation that allows for externalization of costs is abhorrent. That these corporations are polluting will be intolerable. No one will deal with such corporations. No customers, no corporations.

And this is the way of many things.
It is not just that the "value" is going to crash, it is going to be that the entire idea of that market will vanish.

No one buys houses in a war-torn city. Even more, people do not buy houses in cities, when you need a big garden, and bigger pastures to grow your own food. And even more when your group of friends are all in the community you started out in the middle of no-where.

So, not only is the suburban housing market going to tank. The ideas of suburban houses will not be worth anything in the not so distant future.

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The new will not be a market

These small communities will all have a business the perform to have something to sell more like trade with other communities. These businesses will not be for sale. Not at any price. (no stock market)

The person who owns the land is the person who takes care of it. And the small community that is living there, will never sell, because they are living there. There won't be a real estate market. There may not even be a thing known as real estate.

Commodities, and the trading of them on a market will be unheard of. Things will be grown/mined for specific customers. Not just trades being tracked on a block-chain, but a real relationship between producers and users. We won't have big Cereal manufacturers making cereal that goes to all the stores making all of our children sick, all while controlling the market because they are giant buyer, instead, we will have local communities producing what they need, and providing other communities with things that will help.

The entire idea of the COMEX will just cease to exist. (and good riddance, because they have just become a place to bet, and make money off of people's suffering)

The new "things" (we don't have names for them yet) will completely make obsolete everything we currently count as an asset. And these new "things" will not be tradeable on some "stock market"

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It is like bitcoin replacing fiat

All of us into crypto know how much better crypto is than paper fiat. It is only a matter of time before we see the end of fiat.

However, do you realize how much better crypto is than Credit Cards? Did you know you pay about 10% on CCs for fraud? And the stores pays 3%-10% transaction fees on every use? Our stuff could cost so much less if we switched to crypto for payments. And CCs are one of the biggest creators of inflation. Every charge is a creation of new money.

The most important thing is that bitcoin is a deflationary currency. And this changes everything. It changes most people into savers, your money is going up in value the longer you hold it. You don't have to get your money into a savings account or a money market, or the stock market, you just have to hold it.

This changes the time scale. People stop looking for the cheapest thing to stretch their dollars, they look for the most cost effective solution (often the thing that lasts 20 years) to spend their precious bitcoin on (grudgingly)

Bitcoin will change the entire banking system and everything attached to it. Wall st. will be up for sale, cheap. More than that, it will change all the markets it touches.

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IMHO everything that was considered valuable these last 50 years will be so much trash in the world going forward.

Stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities (that you don't actually own), these things will be like Deutsch Marks in Weimar Germany, left to rot in the gutters.

And it is not like these surface things go away, it is the entire structure. The need for them goes away. The desire for them goes away. The reason behind their existence goes away.

Kinda like horse and buggy went away as people got automobiles. As much as the evil banksters would love us to keep using buggies, there is no desire for them. This change will be sorta like that, but more so. People will not want the old system, when they have an alternative. The old just crumbles to dust.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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