The Ice-Age Is Upon Us - Make plans accordingly

The Ice Age Is Coming

This winter is going to be worse than last winter... of which they said was just an oddity, making record lows and freezing wind turbines in Texas.

The mother WEFers' narrative is still that we are cooking our planet.

But really, we have entered an ice-age.

All the signs of an ice-age are here. It just won't be accepted by most people for a few more years as the winters get colder, longer and much more harsh.

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Schools Teaching Wrong Ice-Age Theories

An ice age is not what we are taught in schools.

It just got really cold, and then glaciers formed and carved up all kinds of places...

When it just gets really cold, then there are no clouds. No clouds, no rain, no glaciers.

Instead, to form the conditions stated, you need a spike in temperatures getting lots of moisture into the air, and then a sharp cooling off.

Further, you probably need more intense heat during periods of the year to make more rain, to make more ice, to push those glaciers as they geologists said they did.

And, what did we go through? A time of rising temperatures (record highs in many areas) followed by a drop in world wide temperatures. Without them monkeying with the temperature data, we would have easily noticed that the number of above 90° days has dropped significantly.

The next piece to look for is the starting of glaciers. Which is this particular form of ice-slush-rain that sticks and freezes to itself. We should be readily observing this in the northern hemisphere this winter. There was some minor indications last year.

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The Analemma


Showing the path of the sun through the sky through the year.

As you can see, it spends its time in the north slower and tighter, and its path through the south is faster and broader.
Thus, the sun heats up the north more than the south.
Islands at the same latitude north and south. The northern island has many species of plants, while its partner in the south is frozen and almost barren.

There is a theory that during an ice age, the sun spends more time in the south.
Like flipping the current Analemma

There are ancient maps that show the coast line of Antarctica.
Something we have only verified with ice penetrating radar recently.

So, we have already seen massive movements of the magnetic pole.
And we might see a shift in the Analemma.

This would explain a large number of things seen during ice ages of the past.

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What to do?

If we have entered an ice age, than it is very important for people, especially in the north, to prepare for much colder and longer winters. Or, seeing that their homes will be covered in perma-ice, to move south.

Yes this means that everyone in Canada needs to leave.

There are two really big problems in Canada. Much of the energy is from hydro-dams. And much of the electrical cable is still above ground.

We are going to see rivers in the north freeze. No more electricity.
And we will see month long snow storms. Since we do not have the tech to repair electric lines in a snow storm, it is going to be a month without power.
We should be spending the time we have left putting all our services underground.

This also goes for northern United States.

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The Great Migration

We are at the beginning of the "Great Migration".
People all over the world will move to be with "their people".
They will form communities based on mutual belief systems and mutual support.

I would just like to encourage people to look for their "home" (the property) in places that will not be under a layer of ice.

Fortunately, many countries will collapse into pieces allowing for much easier movement and settling.
(unfortunately, there will probably be a lot of civil wars around the world as people figure out how to separate)

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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