The Biggest Lie We Are Told; the Infernal Revolting Syndicate (IRS)

The IRS and YOUR money.  Into the furnace

The Infernal Revolting Syndicate
The second most evil corporation operating in America.

Everything most people know about this entity is a lie.
And there is no reason it should be allowed to continue to exist.

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  • The IRS collects taxes to fund the government
  • The IRS is a government agency
  • The IRS is there to make sure everyone pays their fair share.
  • The IRS is fair and impartial
  • The IRS is a necessary evil

None of these are true. They are all lies.

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The IRS collects taxes to fund the government

Child being offered to Moloch

The money stolen by the IRS does not go to govern-cement to pay for needed things like roads.

It is all offered up to the god of money in order that the fractional reserve system can continue to operate. Without actual blood, sweat and tears put into the system, fiat currency loses is value. Becoming worthless. Poof.

The children of your labor are literally thrown onto the pyre to appease the god of money.

Then, all new currency is created by the Fed and given to the govern-cement.

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The IRS is a govern-cement agency

The IRS is a corporation declared out of Puerto Rico.
Why would a supposed American entity be a corporation? And further, why out of some island?

It is because this evil entity could never be a govern-cement agency.
It wouldn't be allowed to do any of the things it does if it was.

The current 1040 asks how much bitcoin you have. How does a govern-cement agency get away with asking a person to disclose their holdings? We are secure in our persons and papers. The reason they can do this is because they are not a govern-cement agency. They operate outside the Constitution.

The IRS agents have more police powers then the Federal Endtable of Intimidation.
How??!! Its like the Dizney Gestapo having police powers in your home town.

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The IRS is there to make sure everyone pays their fair share.

There are way more returns filed than agents who could look at them.
So, honest errors and horrible scams are overlooked all the time.

What does the IRS agent do? They go and find people and businesses that make more than average, but less than is needed to have a full time accountant, and shake them down for money.

"What do you mean shake them down for money???!!"

I mean, they send threatening sounding letters saying something like, we notice XYZ, and you owe us $1500 more. When nothing was actually noticed, and nothing was shown to be in error. People would rather just pay it then to argue with the Infernal Revolting Syndicate.

They do not do anything fairly. Would you be surprised that large corporations sit down and negotiate with the IRS what the tax bill will be? And of course you are not surprised when you hear of someone's accounts being frozen because an IRS agent clicked a button.

You are wrong, prove that you are correct. Guilty until proven innocent is the IRS way.

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The IRS is fair and impartial

Not two presidents ago, it was found that the IRS specifically went after conservatives and their charities.

Because the president wanted to use his power to torment the opposite party.
The Infernal Revolting Syndicate should have told him to pound sand. But no, they got the whole organization to look extra closely at people who donated to the other political party.

This is well known, but did anything really bad happen to the IRS? Did the top 5 levels of that entity get removed? No. I don't even think they got a slap on the wrist.

At the same time, there were politicians for the other party who knowingly had not filed a tax return for a decade.

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The IRS is completely evil

Crypto and block chain is showing us that it would be far easier to replace the entire entity.

Taxation is Theft!

And it would be far better and easier to set up a donation site.
Where the people who want roads repaired can see how much money is needed and donate directly to the project.
Smart contracts can easily pay out when the repair is made.
No need for an evil, thieving organization to be the middle man.

The Infernal Revolting Syndicate does none of the things we are told it does
and it does many nefarious things, like destroying people, that we would prefer it didn't.

Soon, everyone will know how evil this corporation is and will stop sending them any of their blood, sweat or tears.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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