The Baby Boomers Were Just In the Right Place at the Right Time


The baby boomers, who started their lives as flower children in the summer of love, then grew up to be the management of corporations and now are the holders of most of the wealth in The US (ignoring what the elite have).

The started off being "against the man" and then became "the man". So many of the younger generations have stories of "pointy haired" boomer bosses, who can't understand that technology has left them behind. So far behind.

Boomers seem to have become the thing that they started off despising. (maybe there is a lesson there) But, what the boomers are really hated for is something they were just born at the correct time for. Nixon decided to take us off the gold standard (temporarily, he said) and this caused massive inflation.

Those closest to the money printers get a great advantage. This is both in space AND in TIME.

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The boomers own most of the wealth of The US because their assets got inflated massively.

They say "inflation is just 3%", but it is not.
A house, going from $5,000 to $1,000,000 is not 3% inflation.
The house is not worth any more now, than then. In fact it is much less valuable because it needs so many repairs, maybe even rebuilding.

The NYSE value goes from 1,000 to 16,000. That is not 3% inflation.

Most of the money printing went into "assets", not into CPI.

And thus, the boomers were the lucky recipients of this.
Able to have a house, and a vacation home.

Whereas families today struggle with two salaries to get into a home.

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So, the later generations look at the boomers with envy, and often hatred.

And when the typical boomer says, "go out and earn it, that is what i did", they really do not know what they are talking about.

To have kept up with real inflation, the minimum wage would need to be about $50 today. It is only that we got so good at making things and lowering the amount of labor that goes into each piece did we actually last so long.

In other words, that $5,000 house, if built with modern tools and innovations would be about $2,000.

Today's young people are facing serious head winds in just trying to have a roof over their heads. Often living multiple people to a bedroom, like this was the 1880s.

So, although it is true that the boomers got the lion's share of the money printing, they were just at the right place at the right time. But does their not doing something about the evil of money printing then, equate to a viable reason to hate them today?

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Well, there are really two reasons that actually should develop anger.

The phrase: "The reason you are failing is because you are lazy"
and that no one is acknowledging that things have gotten 10x harder.

Everyone knows the CPI is a lie. They keep monkeying with it to keep the number down.
BUT NO ONE is actually taking into account that the stock market and the housing market are high because of inflation.

So, although the boomers should have done something, they just kicked the can.
And the generation X should have done something, but they just kicked the can.
And the zoomers should have done something…
And the millennials should have…

The only thing that has been done is the clock has run out.
We are about to enter the time of hyperinflation. Unless they redo the dollar, and restart the clock.

The Fed is trying. Davos is trying to figure out how to get people to trust them, to re-jigger the dollar.

Fortunately we have bitcoin. Because the banksters want to make a more insidious system.

And the boomers are going to really pay. Because there retirement accounts were stolen, and they have no time left to work. There is also not enough care facilities, or care workers to deal with the demand that is coming. This is going to get really ugly.

Have cash, silver and crypto. This future is going to be bumpy, but it will get better.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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