Republicans vs Democrats ... or ... Good vs Evil?


Now, i am not calling Repulsivekins nor Dumbocraps evil, i am going to try to write about an observation that political movements are breaking down and now the fight is good vs evil.

The Dumbocraps of today are not the same as the Democrat party back in the time of Reagan.
How did the anti-war party become the war-party?
How did the party of the common worker come to represent the big manufacturers, especially big pharma?

The Repulsivkins of today are not the same as the Republican party back in the time of Reagan.
How did the party that was for good conservative values back slide on every important issue to where Repulsivekins now support vices instead of virtues?

source: "Partisan Divide on Political Values Grows Even Wider", Pew Research Center.

Back then, Conservatives and Liberals could have conversations.
Now we have a group that thinks it is appropriate to stop the speech, by any means, of the opposing party.
Further, we cannot talk about any real issues, we have to change them into meaningless side issues.

We see accusations of -phobos ans -isms being thrown around.
We see the definitions of words attacked.
We see speech silenced, while at the same time "free speech" is used as a cover to spread messages that truly hurt people.

It looks like this battle has actually degraded to good vs evil.

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We will start with abortion because this was the first slippery slope.

(My view on the topic is that abortion should be safe and legal, because women will have an abortion whether safe/unsafe, legal/illegal. Also i hate abortion. I hate the destruction it does to unborn children, and the psychological and physical damage it does to the would be mothers.

I will try to keep my views out of this, which should be easy, because i am going to talk about the framing of this debate into a divide and conquer that degraded into evil or evil, pick your choice)

pro Abortion - pro-choice or anti-life
anti Abortion - pro-life or against women (oppressors of women)

So, this debate should have been between which is more important, life or choice.
Pro-choice vs Pro-life (not that either one is wrong, but which one is on top)

But it wasn't.

There was pro-choice, or the hatred and violation of women.

There wasn't even any push back against "My body, My choice" (which only seems to apply to women, and their abortion choice. This couldn't be used to refuse the VAXXX)

My body, My choice fails to acknowledge His pocketbook, her choice. The baby's life, her choice.

No, this whole debate came down to women using every platitude to get their way, but never ever talking about the real reason.

Women wanted the ability to fix mistakes after they tried to tie down an alpha man by getting preggers by him (and him not putting a ring on it). They wanted the ability to abuse the sexual market. To permanently tilt the game in their favor. They wanted the power to have choice over life and death. The child's and his.

We were badgered into calling this vice a virtue.
When we should have just acknowledged women's nature, given them abortion, but not given up our stance on virtue.

We were corralled into a corner. Given the choice of evil or evil.

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This is a difficult area to talk about because "Atheism" also does not mean what it used to mean.
Atheism of today is more rightfully called anti-Christianity.

And i can sympathize with people not wanting to take the world creation story as fact, there are a lot of hole in it. But no where near as many holes as anthropology, which these people want to replace it with. Anthropologists like to talk about finding the "missing link", but if you really look into it, they are missing the entire chain. (another blog maybe)

However, what Atheists of today have done is replace one religion for another.
They have also thrown out all the virtues, saying that only reason to stay virtuous was a sky-daddy watching you. So, now vices are just as valid as virtues.

Atheists have replaced the Bible with the Modern Materialistic Science book.
Now, we have Scientism. (a religion that believes in unproven theories)

Atheists have replaced Christianity with its opposite.
Now, we have satanism.

So, now, instead of the old term where a person was stating they preferred believing in nothing, has now transformed into a worship of hedonism, and all the world destruction that brings with it.

We have gone from questioning an old book full of parables
to rejecting all the good and embracing the evil.

The discussions of yore about different viewpoints of how the world was, has degraded into calling people names and rejecting any constraints on life (even if they make your life better).

"Come to the darkside, we've got cookies"

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Political Parties?

(no one wants to dance ♬)

So now, we are discussing allowing children to be sexuallized, because that is "free speech".
We are discussing allowing adult-child sexual relationships because that is "true love".
We are discussing allowing a child to self-delete without notifying the parent.

All of which are quite evil, and only a tiny minority really think it is good.

The brainwashed supporters of the other side would argue with this. They have been brainwashed out of all their morals. They have been indoctrinated into the religion of whatever feels good. (it's love)

And this is what political parties seem to be degenerating into.
Good vs Evil.

Unfortunately, most of the congress critters are controlled by the forces of evil, so we do not see this yet on the congress floor, but we are seeing it in discussions on line.

The break, the chasm, is between people who want to practice hedonism and those who live by their virtues.

Or, Good vs Evil.

Repulsivekins vs Dumbocraps needs to go away until we get back to questions of "what is the best way to be good"
Voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil.
And it is time we recognized that as literal.

It is, Good vs Evil.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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