Real Estate Not Only Crashes In the Future, It Goes Past Zero


In the future people will look back on housing prices and stare in disbelief.

  1. How could we do that to our children? Forcing them to pay more than all previous people for a mere place to sleep.
  2. How does one conceive of an idea where they divide up the earth, calling this spot mine, and that spot yours, and leave out people who were just not rich enough or lucky enough, or not born yet?
  3. People can "own" a property without taking care of that land?
  4. Real Estate - you mean the king still owns the land, even though you paid for it?
  5. Property Tax - you mean, you bought the land, but still had to pay for the land? And all you did there was sleep?

We have made a real mess out of our lives, accepting the structure "Real Estate".
Today we pay so much of our life's energy for a thing that is almost only used to sleep in.
It isn't good for raising kids. No garden space. Doesn't provide income. Doesn't allow you to do what you want with it. Doesn't come with mineral rights...

We have forgotten what land was for, and how it is very abundant.

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You do not own the land, the land owns you

In the future, a person will be said to belong to the land.
They will care for the land, and if they do not, people may allow another to take over caring for the land.

Land will not be slammed up against every other piece of property. There will be a gap between areas that is not owned by anyone. This gap lowers tensions between neighbors. It provides a place where people can pass through, or a person can leave to.

One of the big problems with govern-cement is their is no where to leave to. People who have had it with a govern-cement should be allowed to leave. But we have taken up every square inch of land. There is no where to leave to.
And this seems to be by design. Because a person who owns the land, owns the livestock on it. You and i? We are considered livestock. And are not allowed to leave unless we ask and receive permission.

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Electricity and Internet Everywhere

Another thing that drastically changes the entire idea of real estate is we won't have a need to cluster into tight spaces in order to get electricity and internet. (utilities)

Small power generation will be ubiquitous. You can basically build your house anywhere and have plenty of power and wifi. We are no longer constrained to building only near utilities (or doing without)

Further, going to the store will cease to be a thing. Amazon has already put most brick and mortar places out of business. Distributed manufacturing and local trade will top Amazon.
Simply speaking, the stores will be gone, so why live in a city. Deliveries will get to you no matter where you are. So there is no need to cluster together in tight spaces.

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In the future, our idea of property, and who owns it will be almost completely opposite of what it is today.

No more will we deny a person a place to live because the rules say so.
No more will we allow tax on a person (property tax) for simply living.
No more will we allow someone to destroy/pollute land simply because they own it.

We will take care of that land, recognizing that it is what provides and nourishes us.
It will be a very different time

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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