Police are AGAINST Us. They Are Not Here To Protect You or Me!


Everyone has heard the Miranda rights read in a movie, "Anything you say may be used against you".

Why is this there???!!

No, really. Why is this the statement?
Why isn't it:
… may be used for you or against you.
… will be used/conveyed in court.
… will be used against you. (this is what they say in the UK)

It is like the police aren't there to help you at all.
Actually, it isn't "like", it is.

The police are not your friend.
They are not there to help you.
They are not caretakers of the peace.

This is not about me being upset by the police, or that i want to "defund the police", it is simply law. It is a legal statement.

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Woe unto yee lawyers

We have a "legal system". It is based on contention. It is not about finding out the truth, or bringing justice, or finding a remedy…

You will bring to court all the good things about you, and all the bad things about your opponent.
They will bring to court all the bad things about you, and all the good things about them.

They do not do that thing where you explain all you know / saw, and they work out what happened, and all parties involved get judged, the truth is found out. No, if there is some piece of evidence the opposing side wants, they have to drag it out of you. And if you want a piece of evidence that the police know, well too F***ink bad. They do not have to say it. In court, you can ask them a direct question about what you said to them, and they do not have to answer. Things are not like the movies.

All that movie court stuff is all bollox. Most of it is completely wrong, at a basal level. (they get the underlying basics wrong)

Further, the movie/TV court shows do not use legalese. They are for entertainment, so they rarely bring up how different the language used in court is. (A human being is a monster that looks like a person)

The courts themselves aren't even what we think they are. They are referees for the banks. Yes, for the money. (The only American court is the import/export court. The rest are there for the banks) It is all a monetary thing.

If you do not know this, you cannot win in court. And this isn't even the bad stuff.

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Police Officers Are There To Protect the Banks

"To protect and serve" this is what it says on many of their vehicles.
But, who are they protecting? Who are they serving?

It has gone to court, and the ruling was, that the police are under no obligation to protect you. (when a guy was being stabbed feet from a police officer) So, it is not you they are protecting.

"Police Officer"?? Officer of what? Well, they are an officer of the court, drilling down, they are an officer of the banks.

To give a better explanation, lets go back to the beginning. A court house comes to the small western American town. Did this bring justice? Did this bring peace? No, what it brought was a bunch of people suing others over property rights. A lot of people had their lands stolen this way. Land grabbers using the legal system.

The police are there to protect the courts from retribution, and to see the money gets transferred in the correct way.

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Never Talk To the Police

You can find many videos with titles like this. And it really is true.

If you talk to a police officer, they are not there to help you. They may be a nice person, and help you, but always they are watching for you to confess to a crime.

The police officer pulls you over, and comes up and asks, "Do you know why i pulled you over?" They are asking you to confess to a crime, and then they will write you up for it. It is not just a different way of starting a conversation. It is not a discussion about what you thought you did, and what they think you did. They really want you to confess.

If you are in a police station, they are recording your every word, and they will be used AGAINST you.

Even if you are the husband, and your wife was murdered by someone who broke into the house. The husband is the number one suspect when a wife is murdered. You are not helping the police find the murderer, you are there to be broken down until you confess to the crime. (this is not an uncommon happening)

So, remember, when you are talking to the police, they have you in their sights.

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This should be the #1 thing we tackle as a people.

The police, the courts, should not be like this. So, the police and the courts should be changed, or the reality should be taught in school, and movies who depict courtrooms should have warnings that this is not reality.

Woe Unto Yee Lawyers is a treatise telling of all the wrongs in the basis of our legal system, and how lawyers are complicit in that. (Why do you have a lawyer in a court case? So the judge doesn't have to correct your language and explain legalese to you.) Everyone should be taught legalese, or courts should be in English.

The police should be for the people. The good people. But police are trained to see the population as their enemy. (really, it is all the police literature. And this needs to stop) And the more the police start using strong arm tactics, the more the rowdy crowd starts upping the conflicts. Stop and frisk laws do not make things safer, it just makes police officers look like the enemy. This has to end.

The police and the court system is going away. They cannot survive in this new energy. However, there will probably be a lot of areas that seem lawless for a while.

I wish we would handle this with understanding and compassion. Turn this into a system that works for the people. However, as i said before, this system was built and designed for the banksters. Based on British Admiralty law

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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