Now, It Is Very Apparent, But May Need Repeating


Food is going to keep going up in price. Good food, will go up even more. Healthy food may become unobtainable, unless you know someone. (not, wink wink, nod nod, i mean, actually knowing a farmer.)

Real Estate has reached its max ever peak, and will be dropping.

The Stock Market is crashing.

So, get out of real estate, get out of the stock market, and become a farmer.

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The suburban real estate market is going away. All those tightly packed houses in blue cities will be abandoned.

The stock market is dead. All the big multi-national corporations are dead.

The biggest problem here is that i am looking 50 years into the future, and it is hard for me to pull back and talk about the near term. So, let me try to explain what i see for the next 10 years.

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Real Estate Market Going

Today, cities are slowly decaying. The reasons for living in the cities, or near them, is going away. All the reasons to stay will be gone, and all that will be left is crime, drugs and "homeless". And yes, the govern-cements will try to some form of UBI or socialist housing.

They will turn office buildings (being left vacant from work-from-home, and business failures) into apartments. They will do so at great expense, just as those desiring housing drops. Basically, just as people give up trying to buy, there is going to be a glut of housing on the market.

The people in the north will get tired of the people from the south being in their countries, and will forcefully expel them. Coppers or no-coppers. (if the coppers stand in the way, there will be no coppers) This is going to free up a lot of real estate.

People aren't going to be travelling as much, and the airBNB thing is going to really suffer. This is on top of many locals outlawing them. All of this inventory is going to be put on the market.

Boomer housing, especially any 2nd houses, will be put on the market, slowly at first, but increasing in quantity as prices plummet and freak out the boomers who are trying to get cash.

Housing tracts that are just finishing are not finding any buyers. Even with sweet deals on interest buy-downs and free upgrades. Many of these companies are going straight to rentals, and are not finding tenants.

The downturn in the economy, and the many lay-offs happening is making for fewer and fewer people who can qualify for a mortgage.

Basically, every force that drives down suburban housing prices is happening now. And there will probably be no up happening in the next 10 years, as we go further into a depression. During this same time, those who can leave the cities do. Those who can find a homestead to take them in, move.

This is not going to be a repeat of 2008, where we recover. Suburban housing prices will just continue to go down. Of course, this is real estate, so it will be slow. At least it will seem slow to me who is already seeing the train wreck.

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The stock market going…

The stock market is going to crash as monetary markets go into crisis

The stock market drops as boomers pull their money out.

The stock market is going to crash as T.H.E.Y. pulled all their money out, and have decided to crash everything, like they did in 1929. (so they can buy it all up for cheap) This ends with a lot of pitchforks and torches marching up to the castle down to the survival bunkers.

The stock market is going to shutter their doors as evidence of fraud becomes too apparent. Then block chain comes in to fix that. Trading never happens in a "stock market" again.

The depression really hits and no one can really afford stock. The market is down, and stays down.

The people turn away from "climate change" and become very aware of pollution. (not CO2) Any corporation which isn't environmentally concious gets shut down. (this is one big reason there is no big corporations in 50 years)

People, all the people, find out that BigPharma poisoned them. The VAXXX is killing them, and killed their loved ones. There will be a point where everyone related to the VAXXX will have angry people, who have nothing to lose, will be making their lives worse than miserable. The entire sector will disappear from the stock market.

You can only make money going down, while there are people betting, with money, that the market will go back up. Else, no one is going to cover those shorts.

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Food, good food, is becoming scarce

If you are watching the food in the grocery stores, not only are the prices going up, but there is also less of the good stuff on shelves.

Many shelves are only a can or two deep. The abundance is just for show. The illusion must be kept up.

So much political mechanizations and propaganda are being expended on getting rid of cows (for farting of all things), and restrictions placed on farming that puts small farms out of business.

Food processing plants and large ag buildings are "suddenly" bursting into flames at alarming rates.

Someone is paying a lot of money to build bug growing facilities. In the middle of nowhere.

The way things are going is that we will see rationing, VAXXX ID cards, and you will get your food-stuffs from a govern-cement warehouse after standing in a long line. Your social credit score will determine the what you can eat, or maybe even if you can eat.

T.H.E.Y. will not stop until they have absolute control. (and i doubt they will stop then)

But, even worse is that America's farmland is mined out. It is producing less and less. So, no matter how much T.H.E.Y. wanted to limit food production, nature is going to do that even more.

For future food security you are going to want to become a (part time) farmer. Grow your own food, grow your own livestock. I know that will drastically change how people planned to live their lives. Especially those who enjoy the convenience of living in a city.

At the minimum, please get a years supply of food stored in your house. Eat what you buy and buy what you eat. If you eat pasta, have lots of pasta and cans of tomato sauce. If you eat mostly leafy greens, learn to run a hydroponics system in your abode.

The warning signs are already flashing. So, i don't really know how much longer the grocery store food system will last. Their WILL be food riots soon.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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