Making Resolutions For the New Year?


My normal stance on resolutions is to not wait until New Years, start it now.
If it is worth doing, it is worth doing now.

If you want to own a lot of crypto, start DCA into cryptos now.
If you want to lose weight, start walking a mile a day… now.

However, this is not what i want to bring up in this post.
My thoughts are along the lines of, "Your resolutions are now irrelevant, What do you do now?"

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Retirement Accounts? What Retirement Accounts

You may have thoughts of "If i increase my 401k contributions i will be able to retire in 10 years"

But, the reality that is coming to smack us, is that the 401ks will be confiscated by the govern-cement, taxes, inflation, floods, tornadoes and insurance scams. The idea of saving for retirement has been taken off the table, and most people do not even realize it.

It is gone. As Katherine Austin Fitts often retells, "you don't understand, the money is already gone" (speaking about the money in the funds)

So, i commend you for wanting to focus on savings, and thinking this time you will do it, but unfortunately it is time to give up on that path.

Buy as much bitcoin as you can every payday will be a far better plan

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Wanting to buy that suburban house you have been dreaming about

House prices are dropping. Finally, says many people. We will soon be able to afford a house.

But things aren't going that way any longer. This housing slump is not going to recover. Things are not going to go back to the way things were. This isn't a repeat of 2008.

Suburban house prices are going to drop, then the Fed will really lower interest rates so that their friends can come in and scoop up the houses. But, the prices are going to continue to fall. Many housing tracts will be empty.

So, if you want a suburban house, all you have to do is wait for the one you want to be vacant, then move in. There won't be anyone to stop you. You couldn't get a mortgage if you wanted to. There won't be a suburban housing market.

However, getting a homestead will be of great importance.
So, give up your dreams of the suburban life. It is gone. Learn how to raise food.

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Resolve to eat better.

Many people make a resolution to eat better. To not eat out as much. To eat healthier.

This is great! Except for the bar is getting moved.

If you want to eat food, natural food, you are going to have to grow it yourself or make deals with people that will grow it for you. As in, you will have to deal directly with the farmer / rancher.

Because if you put your trust into the supermarket, you are going to get rationed food. You will be pushed into buying food with extra cricket crunchy coating. And you will have your choice of factory produced "meat" product. You may not be able to afford, if it is even available, fresh produce.

The mother WEFers are pushing to close down avenues to real food. (see farmer revolts all around the world. Stopping farmers because of greenhouse gases)

And those WEFers are pushing for factory produced human feed. They are not doing to well pushing the bugs, but that hasn't stopped them. They just figure to relabel them. Or wait till you get really hungry.

So, you will need to resolve to get that indoor hydroponics growing bed for all your fresh greens needs. You will need to resolve to get that property with a garden and a green house. Start raising chickens, sheep or ducks.

The option of just buying food from the grocery store is disappearing.

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The world we knew is gone. The WEFers talked about the new normal, however, there will not be a normal for at least two decades. This is good if you can let go of the dreams you held of the past.

The mother WEFers cannot let go of their plans for total world control. They do not see that the world is changing. Waking up. Deciding to go a different direction. And since they cannot change, they will drown holding onto to their boat anchor.

The world is changing. Stay loose, do not stay stuck to the old stuff, the old ways, the old money in the bank.

This new year look at all the new opportunities to do things outside of the old system. New stuff, new tech, new ideas of how to live are all coming. Also coming are bank shutdowns, new forms of social credit controls, food rationing. Further, there are storms, earthquakes, volcanoes coming that will shake up everything, and put govern-cements to apply all the forces to cleaning up, instead of doing what they want, which is locking things down.

This is going to be an exciting year.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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