It Looks Like They Are Getting Ready to Crash the Stock Market


Big people in corporations are selling their stock.
More and more people are saying the stock market is overvalued.
The stock market has no basis in reality. There is not trading of stocks on fundamentals.
The bond market is going more upside-down.

So, what's new?

Well, the only real thing is that the guys who just trade, and do not care if number go up or down, are now talking about a big stock market crash coming. So, its not just the doom & gloom guys, it is now all the swing trading / charts people.

Now, i usually write on here about the stock market going away.
Not just crashing, but people finding out that there aren't any stocks traded on the stock market. Someone has already bought up all the stocks, and has left with them.

There is a game of musical chairs, and the music is still playing. However, all the chairs are filled.
That is the stock market.

But that may or may not be important this crash / pull-back

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The Market's Rigged

It is important to know, not feel, not think, but know that the market is rigged. And it will crash upon command. And if they do not want it to crash, it will magically levitate.

Of course it is a complex mechanism, and there are things that don't go according to plan. Like Game Stop. However, to fix that, T.H.E.Y. had Robinhood sell people's stocks and lock other's out of their accounts.

Have you ever heard of a brokerage selling a stock as it was going up, and continuing to go up? "The person was in danger of being wiped out, so we sold the stock" Robinhood said. Complete lunacy. Also, completely against the law, but they probably had a clause buried in the contract that allows them to take control. But really, a broker does something that you do not authorize, they have broken all kinds of trusts.

So, just know the market is rigged. You aren't even treated as a customer. The broker robs from you. You are a sucker in their con.

Now, while the game is going, you can make money. And do a good job of it.

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The Bankster Plan

The plan that the banksters are doing is probably best described as the "going-direct reset" (from Catherine Austin Fitts)

"Going direct" means getting rid of the middle men.
It means the Fed will have direct control of people's money. If they want negative interest, then they just pull the money out of your account. If they want to implement capital controls, such as a social credit score, they can do so directly.

Now, the banksters have to implement a reset, and they have to do it soon. The worlds' fiat is about to go parabolic. The problem with compounding debt is that it is hocky-stick shaped. At some point the retail prices have to follow suit and go parabolic. Meaning, hyperinflation. But, even galloping-inflation will do in the economy.

So, the fiat currency has to be reset.

And they way they do that is to crash everything, go to war, and then implement a new plan while the people are too worried about life, that they cannot respond.

The Fed was implemented in this way. Gold revaluing was done in this way. The Brentenwoods system was done this way. Going off the gold standard was done this way.

Along with the crash, the banksters work on buying up all the assets at pennies on the dollar.

So, crash, hardship, war, then implement the new system in parts.

This stock market crash will probably be the catalyst for moving all of the retirement savings into "special" bonds. So, basically the fed/govern-cement are colluding to rob everyone of their retirement money.

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Understand that the banksters have a plan. And they are following it. You can go review history and find the path they usually follow. It is just now, they have computers. And so now they can have all the accounts in one big computer (or a blockchain)

They plan to buy up everything and make all the people even more indebted to them. Unfortunately for them, if you own all of a thing, then it becomes completely worthless. Like, lets say that blackrock bought up all the houses in a small town and didn't rent them, then basically that small town becomes a ghost town with no one living there, and no one wanting a house there.

As the banksters try to close their hand around everything, the more all the stuff flows out through their fingers.

With bitcoin and crypto, there is now a way out of the bankster system. And the more the banksters try to control fiat, the more people will move to crypto. Basically, the dollar will still exist, just no one will use it.

So, the future is bright, however, they are going to crash everything.

It looks like we are near the planned stock market crash.
Make plans accordingly.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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