Is Gold Money? Was Gold Money? Will Gold BE Money?


The problem is, we really do not know what we don't know.

We, from a European point of view, believe gold is very valuable, because our parents believed gold was very valuable, and their parents…

Sure, we say that gold is a precious metal. But, we use even more precious metals to line catalytic converters to reduce certain types of emissions, that could be better reduced by adjusting the air intakes to swirl the gas and air mixture. And really hasn't need to exist because of computer control. Still, we use an even more precious metal in a throw away capacity.

And if we really look at what was money, we have sea shells in North America, Jade in South America. Stones, wheels, matching sticks, even wooden nickels. And then, there was all kinds of paper currencies throughout time. Notes of credit. Papers of credit worthiness. Or just promissory notes of gold on account. We actually rarely used gold itself.

So, where does our love of gold come from?

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The gods wanted gold

This is a total theory, it can't even be called a conspiracy theory, except maybe the conspiracy to keep it covered up.

The Elohim came and invaded earth. Set up "gardens" or test facilities all over the world. And became the gods of old.

El (Elohim is a group of El) liked to drink and party and smell roasted adrenochrome. Just look at the way we describe Zeus and his group. And you find similarities all over the world.

Well, the El loved gold, and it is said that silver would hurt them.

And so, these over-powered (probably from tech) and large (they are depicted as giants), quite boisterous and dangerous beings came to visit your town, so you would wants some offerings to appease them. And that was gold.

So, gold became important to all those who dealt with the Elohim.

If you look at the Khazarian Mafia (Ashkenazi Jevvs) and the Talmud, you find a lot more of this explained. And you can surmise why these banksters believe that gold is the #1 asset.

So, this theory has a lot of evidence supporting it, but you have to accept a weird reading of the Bible and other books. However, if true, it does explain our, well certain people's fascination with gold.

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Is gold money today?

Well, sorta. A lot of people recognize it. But they are more likely to recognize the "gold" Rolex, then actually a piece of gold.

If you wanted to actually transact in it, you basically have to do all the steps of barter. Finding someone who has what you want, and will take gold for it.

There is actually more people who accept bitcoin then there are people who accept gold in the Western World. You have to go to a coin shop, sell your gold, get pieces of paper and then trade the pieces of paper for what you want.

Of course, just like bitcoin, there are debit-cards that automatically sell your gold to purchase items at stores. So, you can, sorta spend gold. But you lose the ability to self-custody.

Besides having a difficult time using your gold, the manipulation of gold's price is really bad. GATA showed that the COMEX doesn't have all the gold it says, and the price manipulation is evident if you just look at the charts.

Being so manipulated and hard to use, gold is not really money. However, if you hold it while the price manipulation breaks down, you may be fabulously wealthy. (getting from here to there may not be very nice)

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Will Gold Be Money?

This is not a very straight forward question. There are many moving parts. And it will probably depend on where you live, and where in the monetary upheaval you are.

Let us say that the COMEX lost its control of the gold price. Gold suddenly shoots to $10,000 an ounce. So, you go to the coin shop to trade in some gold. What coin shop has that much money to float this? Do you keep $10,000 in your wallet?

Coin shops will either have to become tighter than banks, with guards and armored cars, or just quietly close their doors.

If it is just the price of gold, and the USD continues on as normal, gold becomes its own separate world.

But, lets say that the USD died, and now gold is a viable alternative for actually buying things. Well, in 3rd world countries, you find the money changer, and get credit to buy things in the mall. The "1st" world will have to rebuild this essential service.

At the grocery store will be a counter, where an assayer will carefully measure your gold, and will give you store credit.

Or we have innovative people who create "gold coins". A fleck of gold encased in an epoxy "coin" with its gram weight clearly identified on it. Or, a piece of paper with a plastic window in which the gold is encased/embossed. Or this group that makes a plastic piece of paper, and molecularly sprays gold to its surface (yes they exist)

If the internet still works, we will probably have a gold backed block-chain. Your gold is registered on the block chain, and stored somewhere, and you can spend your gold like you would bitcoin. Of course, many people will notice that this really makes the gold superfluous. But, it may make people feel better, that it is safer, and that stupid bitcoin isn't backed by anything.

Gold usage will be varied from location to location. Soooo, not really good money, but valuable, at least for a while.

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In the further future, gold completely loses its monetary status.
If most people use bitcoin, and gold is just cumbersome, well than, gold will slowly lose its appeal.

And then comes the ability to vibrate gold out of rocks, or to separate it out of sea water. Basically, if you want to create a piece of jewellery, you go out to a place with fools gold and vibrate enough out to do your project. Or, basically, gold becomes pretty close to free.

And what do we do with gold? For the most part, we spend a lot of effort to get it out of the ground, and then we hide it in a vault never to see the light of day. Like, really, why do we do that? Bitcoin is provably scarce. Gold, we have no idea how much there is. So, you could say that all that effort we went through is just wasted. But, we may say that about bitcoin miners.

Anyway, we are really looking at the last generation of gold bugs.
However, we have a long way between here and there. Between debt based, fractional reserve lent, fiat currency to world accepted block-chain based crypto. So much changes. So much upheavals. So much turmoil.

Be sure to have some cash, some precious metals, and some crypto, you are going to need some of each, for each step of along the way.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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