How Important Is Ownership?


Let us say there was a magical utopian world, where there was never a lack of items.
All the manufactured items were easily acquired. New refrigerator, new washer, new spatula… In this world, how important is ownership?

The mother WEFers advert has a woman talking about not needing her own kitchen, because everything she wants is quickly delivered to her.

So, a world of abundance, or a seeming abundance, because you share everything with everyone else. Time sharing everything. Like, really, how often do you use your spatula?

And no one owns anything, and everyone is happy.

Is this a utopian dream? Or a nightmare?

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How important is it for you to own a spatula?

So, let us take the kitchen example. The WEF-lady says she doesn't have her own kitchen, nor utensils.

And, let us say they made a really fast delivery system, that delivered near to the kitchen you were using.

You are cooking up pancakes, and they are sizzling, and ready to flip. Now, where is the spatula? You look in the logical spot, the drawer nearest the stove, not there. You look through all the other drawers, not there. Your pancakes are now burning. You look in other places, cabinets, overhead, garbage… you don't find it. So you order one. It is delivered really quick. Within a minute. But, your pancakes are charred briquettes now.

Well, this could have been worked out better if only you had looked for the spatula first. But we are not robots. We will always forget something.

But, what is missing from this story is, this person probably had to go through the entire kitchen twice, just to make the pancakes. Nothing is where she would have put it. And not everything is there

She wasted a lot of her time to save what? $100. A pile of stuff that you can get in one big box at WallyMart.

This is not any kind of savings. Neither time, nor resources, nor the environment. If she could make $20 an hour, having her own utensils would cost 5 hours of her time. How much time has she wasted scouring a strange kitchen for what she needed?

Not to mention, there is those times when everyone needs one at the same time. Like, the superbowl of pancakes is on, and almost everyone needs the spatula all at once. (ludicrous example, but it really happens in real life more than you think)

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How important is it to have your own space?

It is an interesting thing that people think that you could just share a space, hot swapping beds, kitchens, bathrooms, gyms… and it sorta works, but everyone really wants one of their own.

Navy personnel on a ship, the seamen, often have to share a bunk. They sleep in shifts. But, the officers get a room of their own.

And, for your health, you really need to sleep in a familiar space, that is your own. Not corrupted with other people's energy. There is importance in familiarity. It helps you to feel safe. If you do not feel safe, you do not sleep well.

After that, it is nice to have all of your stuff organized how you want it. Where you want it. This may be a luxury, but given how much it costs to build a 10x10 room, everyone should have such a luxury. (well, in a 1st world nation. It should also come to pass that better building practices make it available in all places of the world)

It is well worth our time to build the correct amount of living space for every person. It is a good use of resources. It is a good use of our time to build such.

The idea of hot bunking all the things, is something that someone who wants you to live below poverty would think of. It is also something that someone who wanted you to own nothing would think of, a situation where you felt you could own nothing.

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There is more. People get connected with THEIR items. It is a spiritual connection.

When a young child gets a thing-of-interest, they will often cry when you take it away from them. (even if it is a knife, and they really shouldn't have it) The reason is that the child is putting their attention into it. Actually, it is becoming a part of their body, energetically speaking. So, when you go to remove it, you are doing something akin to ripping out some hairs.

People need items that they can call THEIRs.
It is really important to their mental well being.

Those people who say "you will own nothing and be happy" are lying. You will probably be depressed and drugged out. You will not know why you feel listless. And you probably won't have the ability to be happy or sad.

Stay away from people who try to sell you ultra-sharing or "we all have everything because we all share everything" or people saying you just need an abundance mindset, when clearly what they are after is for you to give up your stuff/energy.

Real abundance means you have enough room for you to live your life, and you have the correct amount of stuff to help you live your life.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


"Legal ownership" is where their "legal identity for you" owns everything you think you own. We already own nothing and are ignorantly happy.

Real Non-Legal Lawful Ownership does not involve "owning" things via "legal person"-ality.

Check out the posts on my channel.

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