Demographic Collapse and Large Western Woke Cities

There's a sign post up ahead, its says Future Changes

Peter Zeihan continues to talk about demographic collapse.
And he is finally gaining some traction with his predictions, and people coming around to what he is seeing.

However, Peter doesn't go far enough, nor has he computed the loss from VAXXX deaths.

Nor the loss from VAXXXidents.
Nor the loss from VAXXX people going after the people who did this to them.
Nor the loss from the planet wide civil wars.
Nor the loss from impending starvation.
Nor the loss from colder, longer winters.

Most western nations are below replacement levels.
They will be even further behind after the die offs.

However, the only thing that is really going to happen is we are going to get rid of the growth model of economics. All the financing, all the house building, all of this was based on a growing economy and market. Now we will learn to live sustainably.

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The fall of San Francisco

If San Francisco did a 180 and started punishing criminals harshly... its already too late. Many businesses have already left. You cannot build a life, a business not knowing that you are at least moderately safe and secure.

Crime is way up. Homeless is way up. Piles of shit are way up.
Number of business leaving, or just closing is way up.

And these trends are very hard to reverse.
Even if you were able to solve all the problems today, business won't come back tomorrow.
It may be years.

It may be never.
Opening up a new restaurant is easy when you have restaurant supply stores at your beck and call.
But when these leave, it becomes almost impossible.

San Francisco is doomed.
Sell your real estate there at massive slashed prices (or offer fine cars to sweeten the deal). Anything to close the deal, because it will not be long before no one will pay anything for anything in San Fran.

Of course, this takes a while to play out.

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New York City is dead too

New York has empty apartments and empty stores.
This is new, never before seen stuff.

People are fleeing this city because of bad management and horrifying taxes and business laws.

But what people do not see yet is the tsunami of dollars that are heading for wall street as so many people dump the dollar and dollar denominated assets. This deluge will wipe away Wall Street. The financial center of much of the world will be no more. Like Cede and Company being under water (literally)

With the money center gone, not much will save the rest of the city.

However, it is not one big city, it is a conglomeration of many boroughs, and each one will react differently. The Bronx may not even notice...

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Large cities and the die off

What will be even more tragic / terrifying is what happens when the VAXXX deaths start piling up. When the crematoriums can't keep up. When the entire city reeks of death.

What do you do with a city where every other store front is "For Lease" and every other apartment is empty? We are already seeing so many empty retail spaces. But really, what do you do when half of the city is unneeded?

And the red people are being forced out of blue cities. Unfortunately, the red people are typically conservatives. (funny how that goes, the people who build things don't want to see them torn down) So, the people leaving are the plumbers, the electricians, the repair people. It takes an awful lot to keep a city infrastructure going. The Woke mobs are sowing their own destruction, and they don't even know it.

As good people, who have seen the writing on the wall, continue to move out, what is left is all the bad people. It is not far fetched that areas of a city get divided up and are owned by various gangs. Like the Precinct 5 police officer gang and the Precinct 3 police officer gang and the Gambino family...

Do not be deceived, there are police officers who already have plans of taking over their part of the cities. They already run the drug trade, what is one more step?

If you are in a blue state city, i strongly suggest you sell everything and move to a rural homestead.
The collapse is already done, but it will take a while longer before most people see it / it is apparent.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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