Corporations, Evil Incarnate, Have Taken Over the World.

White house flying McDs flag

Communism = Govern-cement owning all the corporations
Crony Capitalism = Corporations owning all of the government.
Oligarchy = All the old money owning all the corporations and the govern-cement.

Does it make any difference which word we use to describe govern-cement?

All there is, is varying degrees of tyranny or how slow the tyranny takes over.

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Corporations are an evil entity.

Just the word "corporation", not speaking of McDs (#1 cause of obesity), Monsanto (lets poison the world), Clinton News Network (lets lie to the world), but just speaking about creating a fake human. A legal entity. A piece of paper that has rights like me and you... but with all the power of having lots of capital flow, and not having a care for its own life.

A corporation internalizes profits and externalizes losses.

All those sales, go straight into the pockets of those controlling the corporation.
All that industrial waste dumped into the earth/river, that is the worlds problem.

Lets take a brand new Tesla. $50k (the price has been dropped) of all electric goodness.
But if you look at all the environmental damage, the amount of diesel that went into build this thing, and the subsidies from The US taxpayers, you come up with a number that may be near one million dollars a car.

That is $950,000 that are children will be paying for, just so someone can pretend they are being green, in a car that created more pollution before it left the factory than any ICE that is now in the junkyard.

This is the evil of corporations.

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You cannot punish a corporation

We all have heard of BofJews, WelsFargone, Chased... all being fined millions of dollars.
Has this affected their practices?

Well, of course. Now they have gotten govern-cement to write into law that they can steal from their clients.

The bank makes a billion from an "illegal" practice and get fined a few million dollars.
There is no, if you get caught again, you... you, piece of paper, you will find yourself in the shredder.

The corporation has no fear for its life.
Further, the corporation doesn't even pay the fine. The corporation's customers pay the fine. All the losses are externalized.

So, what good are these fines?
Profit sharing. The people regulating... i mean, watching out for the bank wants their share of the booty.

Even shutting down the corporation does absolutely nothing.
SVB's directors all got their bonuses and sold their shares while the value was still high.

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Corporations do not care...

Big corporations do not care about their customers, workers or their share holders.
As long as they don't get uppity and make a fuss, damn them to heck.

Rob them. Nickel and dime them to death.
Build a business model that works on fees charged.

It is this uncaring that will destroy corporations.
As soon as any real alternative actually appears, it will be like the dam has burst.

Choose AT&T, Sprint, MCI, Verizon... they all do the same. Give as little as possible for as much as possible.
Giving bonuses to sales people to talk old ladies out of their great old plan, into a new plan that costs them more... etc.

But what is really bad about corporations is they do not care for their employees.
They abuse employees every way possible. And then will fire/lay off that employee at the first sign of trouble.
(like all the bigs during this not-recession)

With distributed manufacturing and supplies from actual people who actually care, the need for corporations will disappear.

When we actually have to deal with the actual costs that are incurred from having a corporation exist, they will disappear.

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Corporations are done for!

Over the next, about 50 years, we will see the end of corporations.

Pollution will not be tolerated.
The manipulation by the entities called corporations will not be tolerated.
Politicians bought by corporations? You cannot stop it, so get rid of the corporations.

Of course, over this same time we will see a revolution in power production, and a time when everyone grows their own food. When everyone is pretty much self sufficient, people will become VERY picky about who they do business with. Labels like 'USDA Organic' will no longer cut it.

So, all of these Big corporations are going to start collapsing as it become VERY apparent how evil they are being. BigPharma is about to be no more (if you work for one, change jobs, move, change your name, never speak of what you did, this may save your life). BigAg is done, stick a fork in it. BigBanks have no money, so what is the use of them?

But, i must say, that between now and then, corporations are going to take the position that they are bigger than govern-cements and don't need them anymore. Watch out of this. We may see corporations with their own militaries.

Sorry, this is going to be a bumpy ride, but it does get better.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


Well said but will start one of these corporations soon. Then again maybe there is a better way I just can't think of it. Good post

The problem is, in today's legal world, you need to put your business into a corporation. There is no better way.

At least you are using the structure for yourself, instead of it only being against you.

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