Corporations are Evil! And Many Corporations are Fronts for Evil People to do Evil Things


A corporation is a legal fiction that internalizes the profits and externalizes the costs.

Just this in itself makes this legal structure evil.

BUT! A judge has ruled that a corporation who has shareholders, must put profit above all else.
Which is, the root of all evil.

When used appropriately, the corporate structure limits liability, which is essential in our sue-iriffic world.

However, if someone were unscrupulous, they could do lots and lots of harm, and then just walk away. What the people going to do? Put the piece of paper (what a corporation actually is) in jail? You would have to prove malicious intent, and then ask the judge to pierce the corporate veil. Further, this bastard probably went to somewhere on earth where he wouldn't be extradited.

So, corporations are evil. And evil people can use them to do great evil with little recourse.

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Corporations to hide evil

The mother WEFers use corporations to hide and containerize their evil dealings.

Foundations are a special favorite of the elite. Make them look like philanthropists, when actually it is just a cover to hide wherefrom money comes and goes. And if it doesn't start out as evil, as in it was started by a real philanthropist, after his death, evil people will do whatever they can to get on the board, and then, turn it evil.

Rock-e-fellow used his foundation to basically buy out all the colleges and have them teach his snake-oil medicine.

Evil never sleeps, and so they just kept pushing until they were in charge of the American Medical Industry. Where they could institute the manufacturing of a VAXXX, and push it through BigPharma as if it was a life saving thing. There was no large organization to push back on them. They had them all bought.

When a corporation becomes publicly traded, it is only a matter of time before evil people will buy up enough to control it. It is the way evil works. And evil begets more evil.

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Its not just one

Today we have corporations literally trying to poison people.

It is hard to tell if it is on purpose or not.
But it spreads through the industry until every fast food place is using bad oils, bad meat, bad bakery, bad drinks.

Lets look at High Fructose Corn Syrup in carbonic acid filled drinks.

A group lobbied congress to find additional uses of corn.
Then, the same groups got a factory produced to turn corn into syrup, and then HFCS.
Then they had it subsidized so that it would cost affective to put into sodas.
Then the got their friends, the FDA, to approve this substance that is known to rot teeth and bones.
Then they put it into all of their fast food joints.
Where it is pretty close to the only thing that offered as a drink choice.

Was this all happenstance?
Well, the one thing you can really point to is that it is incredibly hard to make a soda inside The US with sugar. It literally cannot be done on a large scale. (because of sugar grower subsidies, only a certain amount of sugar can be imported, and...)

Only with corporations, making it so only a few positions needed to be influenced, could bring about this kind of tale.
But you will have to go back in time and understand soda-fountains and the great abundance of drinks back then to really comprehend just how little options are available now.

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Corporate future

In about 50 years there will be none of these giant corporations left.

Every fast food place who chose to use pink-slime will be permanently banned.
Every corporation who does not, absolutely, take care of the earth, making sure that pollution is taken care of will cease to exist.

It is just that people will become hyper aware of the stuff that goes into their body. The food, the water, the air. And any pollutant will not be tolerated.

All the evil will be pointed out, and public outcry will be faster, swifter and harsher than what happened to Buddy Light.

But, until then, the mega-corporations will try to take over the world. Seeing as how they are bigger than most nations. They will be given every opportunity to show how evil they are. And that evil will be spot lighted.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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