Corporations Are Evil


A corporation is an animated corpse. Yes, that is not exactly how the law dictionary defines it, but, you can put 2 and 2 together.

Corporations are at the heart of all the evil in our world. They were designed by evil people to mask who was really doing the evil and to protect the evil doers behind a legal front.

A corporation allows a group, a person, to externalize all of the costs, and internalize all of the profit.

The only thing you can do to a corporation is fine it. But, the fine doesn't effect the corporation, the fine is paid by the customers. In other words, the corporation cannot be held accountable. (You can kill it, but it is already dead)

And there are many other problems with corporations and their operation. But, what gets me the most is that with our current legal system, you have to run your business under a corporation or you are too exposed to the litigation happy public.

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What is a corp(se)oration?

It started long ago with people building sailing ships for trade. A highly lucrative, but also very expensive, and often times, deadly endeavor. So, the business men petitioned the king to set up a corporation. This way they could get many backers, to sell shares, to raise funds, but also to share any legal costs. At that time, if you got your employee killed, you owed the family for the labor you denied them. This could be quite expensive if your entire ship sunk. So, a corporation limited the liability to only the amount of money put into the corporation.

A corporation today gives the legal status of a man (who cannot die) to a business entity. And recently, the Supreme Court gave the corporation the rights of a living man (the bill of rights).

That person, that being (look up these legal terms) can only be sued for the amount of property they have. Basically, all you can sue a corporation for is what the corporation has.

This wouldn't be so bad if it was like a normal person, but a corporation can give away its assets to others. And this is normal. It can dispense dividends. It can transfer assets. It can 'pay' its board members. It is normal to get rid of all the profits as fast as they come in, leaving the corporation, relatively, empty.

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Nothing can really be done to a corporation

The only real punishment for a corporation is to kill it. However, it was already dead.

Wells Fargone did many bad things with customer's money. And they were fined for this bad behaviour. Did this actually do anything to Wells Fargone?

Where did the money come from to pay those fines? Did the CEO take a pay cut? Did the bank lose a pile of money it was saving up? Was Wells Fargone hurt at all? No. The money to pay the fines came from the customers. The only place money can come from in a corporation.

So, a bad thing was done to the customers, and to fix this, the customers were fined.

In the real world, a bad person can have their life threatened as a deterrent, but a corporation does not fear for its life, it is already dead.

You really cannot threaten a corporation with fines or imprisonment, or even death.

And there is even more horror on the other end. A corporation lives forever, accumulating wealth and market share. It can destroy all of its competition. Becoming bigger than govern-cements. Becoming more powerful than nations.

And this behemoth cannot be controlled.

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Today it is imperative to own your own corporation

To have a corporation besides the one given to you by the govern-cement with your birth certificate.

John Smith - a man (not a person)
JOHN SMITH - a strawman, a corpse-oration, a person (created with the birth certificate)

Despite already having a corporation tied to your name, you should have a corporation in which you drive all of your business through.

A normal person (not the legal definition of person)

  1. gets paid
  2. pays taxes
  3. pays their bills
  4. spends what is left

A person with a corporation

  1. gets paid
  2. pays their bills
  3. pays taxes on what is left

And their bills are everything that the corporation can call an expense.
If you set up your corporation to where the CEO and VPs all get child care paid for, then the child care is an expense. And the CEO, you, gets child care. And it comes out of your income BEFORE taxes are collected.

Hugh Hefner paid a few hundred a month to live in the PlayBoy mansion. He didn't own it. But, this was a good thing. The corporation that owned the mansion paid for all the expenses of cleaning and maintaining the place. For all the help and wait staff. If Hefner owned the mansion, he would have to pay for all that with after tax income, but since the corporation owned it, all of those were expenses, and deducted before taxes were even considered.

Further, Hefner couldn't really be sued. He didn't own much.

So, in today's world, you NEED to own a corporation.
It is the way the legal and financial world are set up.
Until they are gone, play their game efficiently.

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In the future, corporations will not exist.

It is a combination of everything that supports a corporation ceasing to exist.

The giant corporation will be replaced with thousands of local producers. (real competition) The corporations will just not be able to compete with people who have zero overhead. Nor can the compete with service, familiarity, and having someone that is actually there.

The corporation will be held responsible for ALL of their pollution. (not CO2) And since many corporations have a mandate to pollute as much as they can (externalize costs) they will have a hard time changing to support the new mandates from the people. And this will be from the people. It will include lawsuits. And if that doesn't work, sabotage. AND people will just not buy from entities that pollute our planet.

The corporations will no longer protect the CEOs. Fizer and postModerna and J&J will face serious backlash from their customers. As the VAXXX starts its last stages of brain loss and death, people will figure out it was the VAXXX, and as they are already dying, they will take matters into their own hands. The higher-ups in these corporations will be found hanging from street lamps. The lower people will be harassed no end. The evil that was done behind the legal barrier, will not withstand actually angry people who have found the legal system has completely failed them.

The legal system changes. The population changes. Evil is not allowed to exist, and certainly not allowed to hide.

Corporations are meaningless after about a half a century. It won't provide any protection. There won't be an Infernal Revolting Syndicate to deal with. AND people will want to deal with a real person. The faceless corporation won't do.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


Saying corporations are evil is kind of like saying knives are evil. Corporations are tools and like any other tool can be used for better or for ill and that will mainly be determined by the incentives governments give them. Pfizer and Moderna were given indemnity for their modRNA therapies and allowed to make the fraudulent claim that they prevent COVID19 disease on the package insert. This is Pharma fraud that the government enabled and took away the average person's ability to fight back by not only granting them indemnity but also coercing citizens to take their products and censoring anyone pointing out flaws in their products. Pfizer should have been judicially dissolved and their executives thrown in prison for the amount of fraud they committed before COVID. Big Pharma price gouges Americans on their medicines because the government enables by allowing evergreening that delays generic competition and banning cheaper imports. Just like natural people corporations will abuse whatever advantages government gives them.

I can sorta agree, but the way a corporation works, the way it was first set up, it can only be evil, or at best, neutral.

It is not a tool that can be used for good.

I am unsure how we could make them good. The limited liability and non-corporealness means that you can never hold the corporation liable.

And since they are designed to externalize costs, you cannot compete with them once they exist. You are either as evil as your competitors, or you cease to exist.

I am unsure how we could make them good. The limited liability and non-corporealness means that you can never hold the corporation liable.

Bring back the corporate death penalty and actually enforce it. Have a three strikes law for corporate crime; after three criminal cases the corporation gets dissolved, all of the assets are seized and the executives are thrown in prison. Other foreseeable improvements: give corporate charters an expiration date. After a quarter century they need to file a new charter if they want to continue business with the add legal privileges. This will bring more scrutiny to the entire process. Don't give them indemnity for any of their products especially when they make fraudulent claims about them. Don't give them eminent domain power; overturn Kelo v City of New London. Abolish evergreening; let patents expire when they do without secondary application bullshit. Patents shouldn't last more than a decade much less multiple decades as they do now.

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