Communism and Capitalism Fail Because They Do Not Serve Everyone


We have all these -isms that don't really work, because each one ignores a part of society.

In order for an economic/government model to work, it has to work for all the people, and it has to take advantage of human nature.

Actually, all of our structures seem designed to work for a small group of elite, while putting down everyone else. This may be the problem, the entirety of the problem, and if we get rid of it, no one will want to work for govern-cement…

Communism forgets the top 10% of people.
Capitalism forgets the bottom 10% of people.
Socialism tends to destroy everybody slowly.

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The biggest thing in communism is that the people are all viewed as equal (at least that is the mantra) however, people are not equal. They are not equal in their ability to perform tasks, build or create things.

You can see this in modern assembly line manufacturing. Everyone is reduced to a cog, everyone is just as valuable, no one gets to stand out. (except that the engineers who design, build and maintain the assembly line are much smarter than line workers) It is really easy for the line worker to believe that they are all of the manufacturing, that the higher ups are just leaching off his labor.

And so, if you ignore all the things that really allow manufacturing to work (design, innovation, funding, logistics) then it seems like it is just workers on the line.

This leads to communism seeming like a plausible solution. But that is forgetting all people that made the assembly line in the first place.

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Capitalism seems to work for all the people who have drive and ambition. People who have an above average IQ see it as letting each person work to their level.

Unfortunately, the higher IQ (or more driven) people take up all the jobs. As each job becomes more refined, there is less and less room for people of low IQ/ability to have a job. What is sad is that the common narrative is that people who are failing in capitalism are just lacking in motivation. "They're lazy"

Thus, capitalism tends to ignore, and leave out of society, the people without much ability to work.

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Of course this is comparing capitalism and communism with a central bank, practicing fractional reserve lending. This entity kills (often literally) the slowest person. Since there is never enough money to pay for all the loans, the slowest person will be forced into bankruptcy. (in communism, it just forces everyone to be a little lower each year)

We have never really had true free-market capitalism, nor have we had true communism. But, i doubt that either one would have their basic fallacies fixed in doing so. Each -ism has a blind spot, an area of the human population that is not served.

Unfortunately for communism, getting rid of the production of the top 10% (it was the knowledgeable farmers in Russia) leaves everyone to starve. Most people are not self sufficient. (make more than they consume)

On the other hand, unfortunately for capitalism, no one should be left without a home. Making houses a commodity, that can be bought and sold for profit, leaves people out on the street. This is considered "capitalism", however, it really is not appropriate to make money off of people's misery.

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In the future, we will have a different kind of system.
One that recognizes hard work and innovation, while also making sure the bottom of the IQ curve gets food and shelter.

Unfortunately, nature is a harsh mistress, so in the past, in things like tribes, people had to be left to die because there wasn't enough for everyone. This is mitigated today by more advanced technology. Like preserving food, and extending growing seasons with green houses. And with more robotics, food can become very abundant, except this runs smack into capitalisms desire to make a profit off of necessities. (meaning, to keep them scarce)

I believe we will come up with new ways, much better ways to live as a society.
Ways that do not leave anybody out.

Except those psychopaths that would want to destroy the society for their own gain, getting into positions of power to control everyone. And do heinous things to those that are innocent and have no ability to resist them.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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