California and San Diego Have Given Even More Rights To Renters


California is moving step by step towards a communist utopia.

California has passed a law stripping landlords from the legal ability to control the rental properties they own.
California Assembly Bill 1946.2

San Diego has decided to one up that passing recently:
San Diego Tenant Protection Ordinance

If you own rental property in California, specifically San Diego, i suggest you cash out while you still have some value, and can.

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A bigger plan

This is not just a few Dumbocrap policies being enacted... because they care for the renters. This is the first steps of a plan to where an entity, like a BlackRock subsidiary, owns all the property and rents are paid through a govern-cement agency. (like welfare and Section 8)

California, and similar states, will continue to make it harder and harder to be a landlord.
Until basically there are no small, independent landlords left.

The large landlord corporations have already worked it into their business plan to absorb all the costs of non-paying tenants and taking forever to remove bad tenants. Its already planned in. A cost that the lowly individual could never afford.

So, if you have property in Blue states, especially any rentals, get out while there is still getting out.

Because the next step will be laws/regulations where the state can take your house because you were a bad landlord. Or basically giving your house to the tenant (that is how much it will cost to evict them) They may even do eminent domain to remove the landlord as owner of the property.

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WEF Agenda 2030

You will own nutsing! Meaning, you will rent the place you sleep from the corporation that owns all the housing in the area.

Black rock/stone is already doing this.
They are buying up, with basically free money, everything in certain areas.

I suggest not resisting, because they have a plan to deal with resistors.
Sell now, move out of the city and start a homestead.

The mother WEFers plan to buy up everything, and then rent it back to you.
And you aren't going to pay rent, the taxing agency is going to pay rent.
You will pay the taxes... or else.

And there will be nothing the renter can do about this.
Some corporation, not the state, owns the buildings.
They have a price set by govern-cement decree, so you can't argue with it, or go shopping for a better deal.
Nor can you choose to not pay, or not live where they decree.

Any problems will put you in a death loop where you go to the govern-cement who sends you to the corporation which sends you to the govern-cement...

No one is really in charge... except the bureaucrats. The people who press the buttons on the computers. They control your life.

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Get out of the cities

This is just another reason to leave the cities and build your homestead.
Find like minded people to live near forming a supportive community.

The only fortunate thing is that the mother WEFers will have their hands full trying to control their 15 minute cities. They will not have the resources to scour the millions of square miles of space in between the cities for homesteaders.

And this is where defensive armaments really start ramping up.
We have seen all kinds of military robots and such, but soon, it will be far easier to build home defense robots.
With facial recognition software that can recognize all the people that are supposed to be in your homestead, and even your friends, and alert/defend against anyone not them.

Anyway, notice the beginnings of the plan to destroy the housing/rental market and get out.

These rate hikes where not just because "oh look, inflation" (that they caused)
And these "renter's rights" bills are not just by happenstance either.
These were underway long before the WEF announced agenda 2030.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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