Banks Are Being Shut Down / Closed
Banks are all insolvent. Well, any of them that lend money.
But Builder, how could they be insolvent when they make money out of thin air?
Good question!
The thing is, they are insolvent as soon as they use up their seed money/investment. Banks are supposed to put an asset and a liability onto their balance sheets. (received one house, paid out X dollars) But really, this is a giant shell game.
The little bank has to package up their loan and sell it to a bigger bank so that they can get liquidity to keep making loans. This is all good, as long as things keep moving. However, it isn't really ok. What happens is that the little banks money is slowly sucked up to the bigger banks. But this is ok, as long as things keep moving.
I keep saying "as long as things keep moving", as long as the shells keep being shuffled. As soon as someone stops this, we find out where the marble is, and everyone loses.
The Fed is putting the brakes on things. (and they are doing it, on purpose)

The Small Banks are Crumbling
With the rise in interest rates, the free money lending spree has had the brakes put on it. The shell game gets slowed down. Now every bank has to hurry up and cover their bets. But the little banks need the game to keep going. If it stops, they have nothing. They have to keep making loans to survive. And you can't make loans when everything is tightening. When the bigger banks won't buy your paper.
When the game slows down, the little banks crumble.
When the little banks crumble, a lot of people lose their money.
But, if the Fed slowly does this, then it is only a few people who are scared. But the FDIC will cover them, for sure.
Unfortunately, this is a house of cards, and when one collapses, more collapse.

The Medium sized Banks Collapse, and …
The house of cards falling doesn't stop. Exters' Pyramid plays out.
After all the little banks are poofed out of existence, then the medium sized banks will fall too. They are not big enough to survive the slowing down of the game.
The big banks are placing BILLIONS aside to handle all the bad loans. It will probably not be enough.
This game ends with the creation of a new currency, and a sweeping of the old under the carpet. At least, that is what the banking cartel, the Fed, would like to have happen, what they plan to have happen.
All the smaller banks collapses, and just before the big banks collapse, they start the game over again.

This is all a game, with your life, your money
The banksters are playing bankster games, and they do not care about the tokens on the board. The playing pieces are just there to be played with. This is why banksters are so evil.
They think of a hostile takeover, the buying up small banks into larger banks, as just a game. This game destroys people's lives. (and it is not the only life destroying game they play)
The banksters believe that they can take it all. They "own" it all. Every house that has ever been mortgaged is theirs. Still theirs. Under their legal definitions (and the law is theirs) they still own all those houses.
"You will own nothing…"
So, they plan to destroy everyone's savings, everyone's wealth. Then they offer the people UBI or some such and 15 minute cities (open air prisons) to live in.
There, you have your needs met, you should be happy. But, all your production is theirs.

The banksters think they are so smart. They have made the laws to constrain you, and take everything away from you. They have programmed you to follow the "law", and done everything in their power to keep you from thinking that there is another way.
As humans wake up and realize the laws are not fair, and they were deliberately designed to be unfair, the people will drop them, and adopt better laws.
A person cannot own the land, it is the land that owns him. The land belongs to the person that is caring for it at this time.
What does this do to all the bankster's games? Since the banks do not care for the land, even the houses they have repossessed and should be maintaining, they just leave to rot. They leave them unoccupied and leave the people homeless. This is abhorrent to the universe, which is trying to bring homeless to homes (sorta, but it is a multi step process where it begins with being without) and so the banksters, if they continue this game, will be crushed.
The end is a person working with the land to create what they need to survive and thrive. This is what the people want, this is what the land wants.
The banksters, using sneaky laws, and twisting agreements wanted to own everything, to control everything. Their greed will be their own undoing.