… and You Vill Be Happy… Or the Computer Will Use You as Reactor Shielding


Long ago, in the before time (1984), there was a table top RPG (Role Playing Game) called Paranoia


In this dystopian future (imagine Logans Run), the computer (in charge of your city) has computed that the reason all the other city computers went off line is because of a thing called "nuclear war". So, now the city is in DefCon4, and it is surely the Russians (it got all of this from the history archives) and their must be communist infiltrators, and they must be found.

You are a Problem Solver in this city. You are to go out and… solve problems, and ferret out the secret groups (everyone in the city is in at least one secret group) and stop the commies.

... and everyone in the city, is happy. You are happy, or the computer will use you as reactor shielding.

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Every time i hear the WEF say/write "... and you will be happy" i add "or you will be used for reactor shielding" after it.

The WEF are probably not thinking that, they are probably thinking "Brave New World" and everyone will be drugged so that they are happy. (that is so much better, right?)

Unfortunately, Narcissist / Psychopaths / Sociopaths do not have empathy, so they do not have any idea what will make people happy. So, your future may be one of torture where your phone spies on you, and if you do not have a smile painted on your face, you will be in trouble.

The Psychopaths in charge of the WEF think (they really do not have empathic feelings) that they know how to create a perfect city, where everyone will be perfectly happy to stay within a 15 minute walk. And their plans are to breed humans and then school them so they are just smart enough to work the machines, and too dumb to figure out they are slaves. They think this is a perfectly fine way to live life.

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These mother WEFers do not understand spirituality. If they are into Wicca, it is to practice the spells, and not about following a creed, or living a good life in harmony with nature. They don't get it. A narcissist has burned out that part of them that had connections to others, and that includes connections to God.

So, instead they develop cults (the Church of Satan is really big, so maybe it isn't proper to call it a cult any more) where they work out "magic" rituals, and try to suck up all the information and horde it for themselves.

It is the ultimate power trip to know the truth, and to make those beneath them believe a lie.
This is why Masons (and such) have Degrees. Each level of Masonry is taught a different lie, and told not to tell the people below them. Unfortunately, this probably means that the 33rd degree Masons probably do not know the truth either. The people with the truth died (took it to their grave), and all that is left is the 33rd level of lies.

You can see it in their rituals. They are not performing the ritual, they are mimicking, they are playing pretend. Their minds are immune to the real, and so they make a farce.

Go look at the opening ceremonies at CERN, and other stuff that the NGOs take part in.

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Narcissists / Pyschopaths / Sociopaths are dangerous. They quest for power. They will get to a place of power by any means necessary. So, basically, everyone who runs for govern-cement office. And they will always want more power, there is no satiating them.

They are dangerous because they have no limit to the evil they will do in the quest for power. Alone, without power, they are usually just bad liars who burn all the bridges with all the friends they might have ever had. Then they go insane.

But, give them a position of power, and they will be attracted to it like a moth to a flame.

And our problem is that these people DO NOT WANT the problems solved. They want to work on the problem, forever. Because, when they are working on the problem, they are seen as being necessary. Look, they are doing something. So, the politicians main tactic is to make everyone believe they are there to fix the problem, and then to make that last as long as possible.

Even if that problem is essential to life, like fixing the water filtration system in the city. Their quest for power is MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH more important than your measly life. So, you cannot rely on them at all. They will not do what is right, ever.

This is why govern-cement does not go back and forth, or get anything right. Every step, by either side, is a step towards more tyranny.

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Our future will be one of weeding out narcissists. Never letting them into positions of power. It is actually quite easy, just see how well they test on compassion. A narcissist has none, and can only mimic it. They will get found out eventually.

"We came, we saw, he died. TeeHee" - Hitlary Clinton

We can't have any govern-cement program that does good, or even neutral, while narcissists are in charge of it. It doesn't matter if we have a "Constitution" or any other piece of paper.

Case in point, Sleepy Joe got passed a bill that will allow companies (read demand) collect information on all their users and share it with the govern-cement. To censor all "wrong think" Clearly in violation of the 4th and 1st Amendment. But, those psychopaths in charge have a burning need to gain some more power, some more control. They think of it as need, like we think of breathing as a need.

Thus, who we vote for is of extreme importance.
And we will need to leave the parties behind. (They are sociopaths who find the psychopaths to put up as puppet for you to elect)

The election rules will change. Not in anything written down, but anyone running for office will be subject to compassion related questions. It will be a big part of the debates.

And these "campaign contributions" will be seen as unnecessary. In as, if you use them, you are part of the problem. We have the internetz. It is really easy to get the word out that you are running for election. We don't need mailed out fliers anymore. We don't need you lining your pockets with our money, while selling us lies.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.
Paranoia cover Copyright West End Games??

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