AmRev2.0 - Not a Civil War, but a Real American Revolution


What has become of our once great nation?

(oh yeah, a bunch of [KM] invaded and took over key positions, threatened a President's children, got the right to print money, and are now bribing everyone with our own money. But, that is not what i wanted to discuss)


We have divided into two groups in America. The Dumbocrapic Wokesters and the Repulsivekinist MAGA worshippers. There are some other little groups and individuals (Libertarians, libertarians and anarchists), but these are the big two.

The wokesters pushing for ever more inclusivity, throwing out all judgement and discernment, believing anything that sounds good.

The MAGA conservatives conserving… nothing

This is going to be an epic battle! (not) And the results will decide the fate of the world! (not really)

Those wokesters want to punch Not-Cs. And Not-Cs is short for Not-Communists. The wokesters are already up for a fight! They have already crossed the line, but they have mostly, ineptly, burned down their own cities.

Maga-ites know what happens after some fires the first shot. And are reluctant to start the fight, that should have been seriously fought long before pronoun usage.

But, what is really happening?

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Communist Revolution

If you want to see what is happening now, do not look at Rome, look back at Communist "Revolutions". (and i do not mean communes, i mean a group of people taking over all of a country's industry and ruling from the top down) Like the Bolshevik revolution, where the jevvs got the useful idiots, the fresh from school, no practical experience, dreamer class to lead an attack to overthrow the current govern-cement, and replace it with themselves.

And, what do we have now? Useful idiots, straight out of college complaining about being judged, and everyone should just be able to do whatever they want, and never judged for it.

However, this, in practice leads to society being destroyed. Which is what the communists have always wanted. Destroy society, come in and "save" everyone, and they are now in charge.

This is what is happening in America, however, there is starting to be some pushback. However, the pushback is being channelled into populism. Meaning, a choice between Fascism and Communism.

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Outside forces attacking America

One thing many people bring up when talking about the collapse of The US govern-cement, is that all these people will come attack America to take it over.

The fighting, shooting war for America is out of the question. A bunch of hill billies can defend America from invasion. There isn't a force out there that has enough deep sea worthy boats to get across the ocean with enough people to invade. After they get the coasts, they really can't get inland because they will never get over the mountains.

So, the CCP has a plan to wage financial war on America until it falls apart, then they will come over and rebuild and take over. (It costs less to ship something from China, then it does for me to ship the same thing across America, someone is subsidizing the costs to destroy American manufacturing)

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An "outside" force (who is already inside the gates) is destroying America. The corruption of the youth, done through academia, hollywood and TV, is being done purposefully. Yuri Bezmenov warned as about it over 50 years ago. But since it is a slow destruction, moving at a snails pace, people didn't put up much of a resistance. (and govern-cement is built to resist the resistance. It takes a lot of political will to move the needle back)

So, we are in that precarious position where that last battle happens, and the Communists take over. There is only one big difference. Americans are not disarmed. In most other "revolutions" the army decides which is the winning side. But, that will probably not be the case in America. Mostly because the real "army" are those who served before, and hate the wokeness in today's army.

Actually winning this next revolution is whether we can accurately gauge who is the real bad guys. The wokesters are just cannon-fodder. We don't need to kill them, but we do need to stop the people pushing it.

Similarly, the Fed is failing, the dollar collapsing. And this is by design. T.H.E.Y. will move control outside of America. So, it is so easy to think we have won, when the Fed is destroyed, but then we live under the IMF, which is the Fed, but bigger (or something like that) We need to know the real enemy, and we need to know the real attack vectors.

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We, in America, seem to have divided into two groups, the Wokesters and the MAGA, and it would seem to most that a fight will ensue, and that the victor will decide the course of the nation.

However, this is just what it appears on the surface.

The real battle is lower. It is not that we need conservative mind sets, it is that we, the people who are running things to understand why we defend our morals. And which morals really need defending. Most of the things that the Wokesters are pushing is inevitable societal destruction, however, several of the things MAGA is pushing, ends in the same destruction.

And to those Wokesters who say "yay! Society collapsed, now we can rebuild our utopia". Well, you can rebuild a society while holding onto the values that destroyed society. Things that are destructive are destructive.

There are people paying for the destruction of America, and these people need to be stopped. During the 80s and 90s we just wrote it off as "we need to allow free speech", however, the [KM] were not arguing in good faith. (Like today, people not being able to define 'woman'.)

The way AmRev2.0 is won is by understanding philosophy and morals, and choosing to live by them, and not allowing immoral people into your circle.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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