AMREV 2.0 is Coming. But Who Is the Enemy?


America is being torn apart. And it feels like everything is about to boil over. Every group is against every other group.

And now it is everyone vs white men.
And it is everyone vs capitalism.

Capitalistic white men are being blamed for what is wrong with the world.
How did we get here?

Where we are blaming the people and the economic path that has helped the most people on this planet. Pulled the most people out of poverty. Made the most millionaires.

However, there are people who believe to the bottom of their hearts, that it is the evil white capitalists that need to die, and then everything on the planet will be all right.

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Marxism is EVIL

We allow marxism to be taught in schools. Actually, this is not quite true. We have allowed a group of people, who want us all dead (and them in charge) to push marxism into schools. To train teachers to teach teachers to teach all the kids that a communist utopia can exist, and that capitalism is bad.

Let us say there are two farmers.
Farmer 1: Plants his crops, waters them and lays about until it is time to harvest
Farmer 2: Plants his crops, waters his crops, weeds his crops

Farmer 2 has a 10% higher yield every year. Just by weeding. That is 10% more "money" every year.
Ten years have passed, Farmer 1 is wicked upset, that Farmer 2 has twice as much stuff as him.

How dare he!

Ten more years pass and now Farmer 2 has a tractor, more land and some farm hands.

"Who does this Farmer 2 think he is!" Shouts Farmer 1. He has so much, and i have so little.

Ten more years and Farmer 2 now owns a processing plant, where he makes his crops even more valuable.

And Farmer 1's kids go to school and learn that is all because of capitalism! Those greedy capitalistic bastards! This is why Farmer 2 is ahead. He has obviously stolen everything he has.

The Marxists are being greedy and jealous. Two very dangerous vices. And Marxism call these "virtues" and that is proper, and virtuous to tear down these things that others have built up.

Worse, communism is anti-human. To make communism work, you have to get EVERY human to fight against their own self interest, for the "greater good" (the greater good doesn't exist). Capitalism works with humans' drive to work to get more for themselves. The better system works with the human as they are. We will come up with better systems. Ones that work even better with what a human is, and their drives and desires.

We will need to root out these people selling Marxism.

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Money printing and Usury is Evil

The cartel of banks behind the central banks, like the Federal Reserve Bank, are pure evil.

Money, today, isn't printed out of thin air. It is printed by stealing a penny from every dollar that exists. Every time the Fed buys bonds from the treasury, they are stealing pennies from every dollar. Every time a bank makes a loan, they are stealing pennies from every dollar near them.

Stealing, in an invisible way, is already totally evil, but then, the banks charge interest on the money they created. Interest that doesn't exist, so every year that goes by, there is less money to pay the bills. It is a downwards spiral, that if we didn't have the babyboom generation create so many more loans, we would have seen the end much sooner. By Usury there is never enough money.

Through money printing and usury, the cartel of banksters has robbed the world of everything.

These are the same people who have bribed, bought and paid for the school systems to teach Marxism. They even paid Marx and published his works.


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Anti-racism is worse than racism

Being racist is just in-group preference. You belong to a group, a tribe, a small town, and other people come into what is your/our space, they are unknown. Being suspicious is appropriate.

Being tribal has been the way of things for a long time. How else do you explain all the racial traits? It is because human haven't inter-breeded it all out. Part of that may be distance. But a big part of that is that we generally prefer our own groups. We prefer the people we know.

So, who are these people to come up in schools and media and shout that racism is wrong? Especially when racism in America was on its way to the grave already.

But, what is really evil is that these anti-racist people started hiding the bad and extolling the good to promote one race over another, saying that it was just bringing things back to balanced (because of past wrongs, that may or may not have happened) This "Critical Race Theory" is complete evil; it is just a racism in another form, and for all the wrong reasons. Bringing down one group to make them equal to another, doesn't lift the other. It just makes everyone down.

Angry shouting does not solve racism. Mel Brooks in "Blazing Saddles" did a far better job of ending racism through humor. Shouting at someone, almost never changes their minds. Even if the TV shows dozens of sit-coms doing just that. This lie that shouting at people works is brought to you buy the same people who brought us Marx and Central Banks.

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We have a group of evil, that are using their money (that they stole through printing presses) to manipulate our world. To make groups of people hate each other.

This group has to be removed from power. We must do two things, remove all positions of power without responsibility.

You heard that right politicians, you will be held up to your campaign promises, like, in a legally binding way.

The other way is to remove the psychopaths /narcissists/sociopaths from any position of power. Because a person without empathy will NEVER do anything good for the people. It is not in their best interest, and they do not care if the people suffer.

During AmRev 1.0 (The American Revolution) we were actually left to be our own country because we agreed to keep the loans and pay them back. Yes, this nation came into being because the king allowed it. Because it would start out indebted.

In AmRev 2.0 we will destroy the debt and the debt based monetary systems. Then we will go after those who put us into debt for fraud. (and the destruction it caused)

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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