When good men do nothing, evil prevails. // Cuando los hombres buenos no hacen nada, la maldad prevalece.

in Informationwar4 years ago


They have already expelled this ambassador and this radical step by the socialist regime has already been carried out, we can see that billions of Venezuelans have been expelled from their country, a country that had massive growth prospects and that obviously, because of socialism, has not been expelled. They were able to materialize, friends, the ambassador of the European Union has already been officially expelled by the Maduro regime and would have left Venezuela the regime continues with its position of total isolation, basically telling Europe telling the US saying to the world that they are not going to handing over power in any way and that obviously any sanction will have consequences for those representatives who in theory should be recognizing the socialist regime and who do not recognize them where we can then see the world constantly sanctioning them, the regime has simply isolated itself and has not opted for the option of let's say disguise democracy, they don't even care about that and we can see r what is begin to take radical measures.

Ya expulsaron a esta embajadora y ya se concretó este paso tan radical por parte del régimen socialista, podemos ver que han sido expulsados miles millones de venezolanos de su país, un país que tenía unas perspectivas masivas de crecimiento y que obviamente por culpa el socialismo no se pudieron concretar, amigos la embajadora de la unión europea ha sido ya oficialmente expulsada por el régimen de maduro y habría abandonado venezuela el régimen continúa con su postura de aislamiento total, básicamente diciéndole europa diciéndole a eeuu diciendo en el mundo que ellos no van a entregar el poder de ninguna manera y que obviamente cualquier sanción tendrá consecuencias para aquellos representantes que en teoría deberían estar reconociendo al régimen socialista y que no los reconocen donde podemos ver entonces al mundo sancionándolos constantemente, el régimen sencillamente se ha aislado no ha optado por la opción de digamos disimular democracia, ni siquiera les importa eso y podemos ver qué es comienzan a tomar medidas radicales.


It is a very direct message for the European Union, for the United States, for the world, that they understand that the famous contact group, that the famous Lima group and all those diplomatic measures that they intend to impose in order to achieve a solution in Venezuela are not they matter to the Venezuelan regime "The European Union ambassador in Venezuela, the Portuguese Isabel Brilliant Pedrosa, left the country after the Maduro regime declared her a person not welcome and expelled on February 24 in response to new sanctions of the blockade against Chavista officials ”.

Es un mensaje muy directo para el unión europea, para EE.UU. para el mundo, que entiendan que el famoso grupito de contacto, que el famoso grupito de Lima y todas esas medidas diplomáticas que pretenden imponer para poder lograr una solución en venezuela no le importan al régimen venezolano “La embajadora de unión europea en venezuela la portuguesa Isabel brillante Pedrosa abandonó el país luego de que el régimen de maduro la declarara persona no grata y expulsar al pasado 24 de febrero en respuesta a nuevas sanciones del bloqueo contra funcionarios chavistas”.


Recall that then Europe would have warned the Venezuelan regime that if they took that measure they did not retract in expelling this ambassador, they would take more measures against the socialist regime, so it is an unwise move by the socialist regime against, let's say, the world.

Recordemos que luego europea le habría advertido al régimen venezolano que si ellos tomaban esa medida no se retractaban en expulsar a esta embajadora, ellos tomarían más medidas en contra del régimen socialista, entonces es una jugada poco inteligente del régimen socialista en contra digamos del mundo.

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