Movie Review - "Always at your side Hachiko" - by @solistyle2

in Steem Studios 🎬2 years ago

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How about my dear friends of Steem Studios? today I want to bring a review of a movie that my family and I have seen many times and to be honest I love this movie and the name is "Always by your side, Hachiko" and I would like to tell you a little about this great movie that in my opinion It is the best of all, it has made me and my mother cry many times and some other members of the family and I want to tell you a little about the story, my rating among other things of this wonderful movie, will you accompany me on this trip? Let's get started!

Some Information about the movie:

  • Movie name: Always at your side Hachiko
  • Release Date: June 13, 2009
  • Director: Lasse Hallström
  • Producer: Richard Gere, Bill Johnson, Vicki Shigekuni Wong
  • Music by: Jan A. P. Kaczmarek
  • Protagonist: Richard Gere ,Joan Allen, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Sarah Roemer, Jason Alexander
  • Duration: 93 minutes

Brief discussion on the story of the whole movie:

The film titled "Always by your side, Hachiko" is a dramatic film of American origin my friends based on a true story of a very faithful dog who was very loved and loved by his owner and I really love it because we can realize the intelligence and love that our pets can feel towards us if we give them the necessary affection and love, the film is a new version of the 1987 Japanese film titled "Hachiko Monogatari" which was written by Stephen P. Lindsey and was directed by Lasse Hallström in 2009 and the main character is Richard Gere.

Let's talk a little about Parker Wilson, who takes the role of a university professor who teaches music classes and teaches about his musical passion with all his heart, one day he is walking down the street and picks up a dog of Japanese origin and Akita breed, the Akita dog was abandoned in a subway station in the city alone and hungry. Seeing that the dog has no owner and since no one claims it, he immediately takes it home. At that precise moment, music teacher Parker gradually discovers the endearing ties that can unite a person and an animal.

The film is based on true events about an Akita breed dog named Hachiko, a dog of Japanese origin who, after the death of his master, remained for the last 9 years waiting for him alone and without knowing at the Metro station, There in the Metro station was where its owner took the train every weekday to attend his job as a music teacher. The story of the film that I am mentioning below was so moving for the general public and had at the time a great social impact among its viewers that it was decided to create a statue due to the great commotion caused by the film and the statue was bronze in honor of the faithful dog. Located right at the Shibuya station, where the dog waited day after day for its owner. A year later Hachiko passed away, at the foot of his own statue.

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What most strikes me about this story is that when Hachiko was a puppy he was sent by his owner to the United States on request, but during the trip the cage accidentally fell off the vehicle and that is where Professor Parker Wilson He finds it and begins the whole story that has touched many hearts.

My personal opinion about the movie:

Here in this section if I want to stand out because I remember the first time I saw the movie with my mom in the room and do you want me to tell you something? the movie made me cry and that is why it is one of my favorites my dear friends, especially that it has moved the hearts of many viewers around the world and it is incredible the affection and love that a dog can have for you that simply you picked up from the street or from somewhere that is not your house or your neighborhood and writing this I have come up with the moral that you have to love animals and that the dog can be man's best friend. Thank you very much.

Movie Rating:

  • My Rating: 10/10
  • IMDb Rating 9.9/10

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10% of this post is for @steem.studios

 2 years ago 

Hello friend this is a wonderful movie also made me cry it is impressive how a dog can love his owner so much, what touched me deeply was to know that it is a true story and that the dog was there waiting for his owner without knowing that he would not return because of his death, excellent summary of the movie I congratulate you. Greetings and blessings

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for your comments my heart, I am happy that you liked my publication I tried very hard to bring it here for you, God bless you

 2 years ago 

I would definitely give it 10/10. This is a movie that touches the hearts of many and even more when it comes to real events. If you didn't already know, they made a statue at Shibuya Station in Japan in honor of Hachiko.


Thank you for sharing the review of this movie. Greetings!

 2 years ago 

Yes friend, in fact in the section I mention a little about the statue, it is a very good movie and without a doubt it has earned my love and that of many, greetings and blessings

 2 years ago 

Esta película tocó mi corazón, muestra una realidad que tienen los perros ¡Son fieles a sus amos!. Yo también le doy un 10 a esta producción que esta basada en una historia real.

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 2 years ago 

Muchas gracias amigo por tus consejos, en seguida editaré la publicación para darle más visibilidad y más profesionalismo, te deseo lo mejor.

 2 years ago 

Gracias! 🤗

Preciosa película tomada de la vida real. Hice conexión con este film porque he tenido la dicha de establece fuertes lazos con mis animales y en especial con un chow chow que me acompañó muchos años y hasta me salvó de un asalto. Gracias por compartir.

 2 years ago (edited)

Que bueno que te haya gustado, un placer en escribir para ustedes, que Dios te bendiga <3

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