FTX Exchange: An entry point for derivatives trading traffic in an epic bull market

in CryptoDog3 years ago

Exchange lines, no immortal power, the age of making heroes, heroes following trends!

By 2020, DeFi will sweep across currency circles. In just one year, the total number of locked DeFis has jumped from US $ 5 billion to US $ 60 billion. DeFi projects like Link, Comp, Aave, etc. Often ten or even tens of times. As a personal experience, I saw community currency friends throw at the time: "Where can I buy Mkr?", "Why is Union not on the xx exchange?".

The exchange's understanding of DeFi's imagination and the speed of listing largely determines the profitability of retail investors in this bull market. Compared to small exchanges, large exchanges have a sharper sense of smell in facing the opportunities that arise. Against the backdrop of the DeFi boom, many large users have made a lot of money, including the FTX exchange.

FTX exchange is also preferred by high frequency traders because of its low transaction fees and zero withdrawal fees. Some data show that whale level traders prefer to trade on the FTX exchange. In addition to a great user experience, the low transaction rates save millions of dollars every year! If things continued like this, it would be good luck. Regarding the contents of the FTX transaction rate, we will mention it later.


According to data from The Block Research, FTX is the most active on the DeFi governance token list. The most mainstream DeFi tokens on the market are launched at almost the earliest stage. Due to DeFi's heat sensitivity, online token prices have not been activated or launched soon, and platform users have also participated in DeFi at a relatively low rate. This is also a currency listing strategy. the most important part of FTX, namely launching a large-scale cryptocurrency with beneficial effects for the benefits of platform users.

In addition to the DeFi governance token, FTX users have even eaten meat on the FTX IEO project. Of course, most IEO projects are still DeFi based. In the end, FTX has caught this DeFi wave and is moving on. IEO extends.

FTX is based on DeFi and has obvious wealth-producing effects

So far, the FTX exchange has launched a number of IEO projects. Unlike IEOs that harvest a model that plummeted when a small exchange was launched, most IEOs launched on FTX have achieved good results, and the money-making effect is huge. strong and attracting people in currency circles. Lots of eyeballs. This includes well-known projects such as SRM, FIDA, MAPS and OXY.


In August 2020, SRM will conduct IEO on the FTX exchange. SRM is a decentralized finance project (DeFi) Serum token, which is a decentralized ecological project based on the Solana public chain, including a complete set of DeFi infrastructure, including cross-chain assets, interoperability solutions, stable coins, etc.

The IEO participants bid a maximum of 2,500 SRM each, and 1,200 successful bidders will share 3 million SRM. Bid weight is based on FTT bidder holdings and trading volume in FTX in the past month. All SRMs obtained from auction will be open and tradable once SRM is officially launched on FTX on August 11th.

After the launch of FTX, the SRM trends were as follows:


SRM online trend chart (from FTX exchange)

The SRM opening price on the FTX exchange is $ 0.1, and the current price is $ 4.8, a 48-fold increase!

The Maps IEO project, Maps is the Maps.me travel platform token. Maps.me2.0 is powered by Serum and runs on the scalable, efficient and high-speed Solana chain.


Maps launches on the FTX exchange on February 1. The online price of 0.125 US dollars, and the current currency price of 0.99 US dollars, increased by 8 times.

In addition to the recently launched OXY, Oxygen is a DeFi service provider, built on the Solana blockchain, and the token is OXY, the basic service measure on the chain powered by Serum.

The opening price was only US $ 0.125, and now it is US $ 2.96, a 23-fold increase!


Such high-income IEO projects are not uncommon on the FTX exchange, which shows that FTX is more inclined towards long-term development in terms of listing value. FTX is well aware of the short-sighted behavior of chopping green onions online, and such an exchange is not far off.

When the DeFi concept emerged, FTX quickly took advantage of the opportunity to grow with DeFi. For high-quality DeFi projects, FTX uses its own resources and funds to help them incubate and empower them. FTX uses its position and influence as a global trading hegemon in derivatives to further spread the influence and reputation of DeFi's products. The high returns that investors get 10 times more often are directly related to sustainable FTX empowerment.

To some extent, the high-quality DeFi tokens launched by FTX also help platform users to better understand the nature and value of DeFi. This is more important than why users buy DeFi. The FTX exchange tells users why they want to store DeFi tokens. Without proper understanding and belief in DeFi's worldview, investors cannot sustain DeFi.

Let platform users earn money, there is also their own FTX and their own FTT platform currency!

Empowering the platform, FTT repeatedly broke new records

Traditional currency exchanges provide currency trading, OTC trading, legal currency trading, and leveraged contract trading. In the past, this basically could meet the needs of people in currency circles, but with the times, this type of transaction also has a higher demand. FTX Exchange has its own understanding of the ability of currency exchange to go. outside the circle FTX exchange transactions Diverse types, providing different trading experiences for different groups.

FTX exchanges provide a way to play tickets to US stocks, enabling people in currency circles to indirectly hold US stocks by buying tickets to US stocks. Users who are unable to participate in US stocks due to geographic and underlying issues can also indirectly participate in trading US stocks on the FTX exchange. Apart from that, there are many other market contract predictions that make the FTX exchange out of the loop. It is also widely reported in the media: Trump coins were launched during the US elections, the successful contract for the Tokyo Olympics, and so on. The rich and attractive gameplay attracts many users from other exchanges to FTX, and even non-currency users from traditional financial circles come to open accounts,

FTX seizes the DeFi hotspots, coupled with IEO wealth-producing properties, and the exchange itself has a rich and pleasant form of trading, which sends a large amount of traffic to the FTX exchange. The total FTX trading volume in 2020 has reached 10 times that of 2019. At the same time, the number of new users on the platform exceeds hundreds of thousands, and the number of daily active users has increased by 786%.

In terms of transaction scale, according to CoinGecko data, FTX crypto derivatives trading volume is US $ 4.57 billion, ranking third in the world, and spot trading volume of US $ 550 million, ranking ninth in the world. This emerging exchange, which was only founded two years ago, ranks at the top of the world in overall trading volume. This proud achievement is also reflected in the FTT platform currency price on the FTX exchange.


FTT is the currency of the FTX platform, with a total of 350 million FTT can be understood as the equity token of the FTX exchange. The FTT platform currency, which was launched two years ago, has an issue price of just $ 1.Now, as FTX exchanges continue to provide ecological empowerment for FTT, such as participating in the IEO platform according to the holding and trading volume, and holding the FTT, transaction costs are reduced. , Using the platform revenue to buy back FTT to destroy, etc., which makes the intrinsic value of NTP continues to increase, and the price also goes up.

For example, reduction or exemption from transaction fees. For high frequency traders, cost is often the main reason they are afraid to operate frequently. In the short and long term, the advantage of a knife edge is not enough to cut costs. On the FTX exchange, if the 30-day trading volume exceeds USD 5 million, the cost of pending orders is only 0.01%, and orders are 0.055%; if the transaction volume exceeds 10 million, the cost of pending orders will be reduced to 0.005%; if the transaction volume If it exceeds 25 million, the fee for placing an order is 0. Compared to exchanges in the same industry, the FTX exchange helps high frequency traders reduce costs and lock in profits.

Based on transaction volume, FTX also uses tiered fee rates which are popular today. The more FTT you have, the higher transaction fee discounts you can enjoy. Just need to promise 150 FTT to get a minimum commission of -0.0005% on pending orders.

Apart from that, the FTT destruction mechanism is also one of the important factors driving the FTT token value. Every week, FTX will use 33% of FTX contract fee revenue (main buyback fund), 10% of the net increase in risk margin and 5% of other FTX platform fee revenue to buy back FTT and burn it until FTT reaches its total. Half of the circulation, to achieve a token economy model where the supply is in a limited range. As a result, FTT is increasingly scarce, the more extensive the FTT landing scenario is, it is understandable that its value will increase.

After FTX empowers FTT a lot, capital flows in. The price of FTT currency has also gone up, now it has reached 40 US dollars, up 40 times in two years. Compared to the OKEX platform currency, OKB has increased 13 times since its inception; Huobi platform currency, HT has increased 12-fold since its inception. The return on investment in FTT of 40 times ranks among the top exchanges of its kind.

Personally, I am optimistic about the future trend of NTP. From an ecological point of view, the NTP trend will be closer to BNB, because both are closer in terms of ecological layout, both are equally compliant, reliable, and professional. crypto asset level trading. This service is equipped with a self-developed public chain, and through the market mechanism formed by the traditional cash experience, rich derivative services, to provide users with the best trading experience. BNB's market value is $ 39.5 billion. The market value of FTT is 3.36 billion US dollars. There is still 10 times more room for FTT than the BNB standard. There is still a long way to go to close this gap.

Write at the end

I personally feel that the platform currency layout is a must for everyone in currency circles. Project tokens may not be obvious, but the platform currency actually has money-making logic. Therefore, it is very necessary to reserve several platform currencies in such positions, such as BNB, such as FTT, which still have a lot of room.

For users, who have been using FTX for more than two years, the platform has "done something" hands-on, be it following the DeFi wave or actively exploring its own DeFi ecosystem; whether it is the premium currency in the IEO or the platform itself the FTT currency is breaking through the sky. We've seen an exchange that remains humble and continues to grow. FTX does not stop, but is more active through the ecological layout, continuing to create applicable scenarios for FTT, and accelerating the appreciation of FTT.

In the future, individuals are still optimistic about FTX or corner overtaking, becoming the world's top exchange, continuing to provide fresh blood for the industry and being an example for the industry!

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